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This work is a fanfiction, any resemblance of the Characters , place and series of events is coincidental. if you don't like this genre, you can stop reading. thank you. This Chapter is written in English! Enjoy! BESTIES DRAKE AND WANDEE ON MY MEDIA!

Follow me on my account @Jamesvince.


Chapter 18

Word Count: 3503

Wandee POV

I don't feel like twisting my body, like a cat sleeping on a big bed in Yoyak's room. Then I got up and sat with my back against the headboard.

I've been sleeping in his room for several nights. We've been acting like we're glued to each other, which could be because Yoyak will be gone for a month. He needs to fly to Spain to fight for the world championship. I yawned heavily as soon as I woke up. I looked at the two suitcases leaning against the wall. Our lives are like a novel, right? When we love each other too much, we get bullied and separated by the writer. But if it's a true novel, in the end, our lives will have a happy ending, right?

So let it be. Let's part ways. Just one month without Yak.

I grabbed my phone and checked the time. Actually, there's a big clock hanging on the wall in Yak's room, but we both rarely look at it. We prefer to check the time on our phones because it's more convenient.

This morning, Yak woke up earlier than me again. He was taking a shower, and I woke up because I heard the water dripping on the floor. He doesn't take long to shower. I yawned widely again. His body covered in water droplets opened the bathroom door and came out.

It's like he knew I was going to complain again; Yak quickly raised the edge of the towel to dry his wet hair. Water dripped along his path. So he stepped back to stand on the floor mat so that the bedroom floor wouldn't get wet.

"So, are you going to rest all day, or just come see me in the afternoon?"

"The whole day, of course. You'll be gone for a month, and I want to look at your face all day and all night." I replied while raising my hands to comb my hair away from my face and looking for the shorts I would wear. He took off my pants earlier this morning.

After we had sex, I was about to put on my pajamas, but Yoyak whispered that I didn't need to get dressed. He just wanted me to lie there and let him play with my butt.

Believe me, he never gets tired...

"I want to win in the first match so I can come home to you earlier."

"If your brother hears about it, you'll get beaten up."

"I'm just kidding. Who would do that? I'll do my best anyway. Then you can brag to Drake that you have a world champion boyfriend."

"Thank you, but I'm sure I won't just brag to Drake,"

"Thank you." He mimicked my voice, and I swear it was so annoying that I wanted to smack his ass hard. He's such a brat. He's as big as a giant, but I want to shrink him down to the size of a bean.

"Don't copy my words."

"Thank you."

"Say it again and you'll be in trouble."

"Thank you...." He continued to tease me, not even scared. He smiled at me challengingly. I put on my shorts, then got out of bed, ran towards him, and jumped on his back. I wrapped my arms around his neck and bit his ear.

WANDEE GOODDAY [ TAG/ENG ] COMPLETEDTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon