Ch.1 Relaxation Time

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A/N I do not own Fairy Tail I only own the story line ♡


"Finally we're here, I'm exhausted." Lucy Heartfilia sighed as she sunk into the gray cushioned seat of the living room.

A large group of the Fairy Tail girls settled into Lucy's suite, talking excitedly amongst themselves over the vacation. It was the weekend after a local tournament in Magnolia, and the Fairy Tail guild just happened to win the grand prize; a vacation to the Palm Hotel!

Just a few miles outside of Magnolia, the Palm Hotel was an ideal beach resort. Rumor was the large jungle laying an hour or two walk away was yet to be explored, so the boys were sure to have some sort of fun.

Mirajane had decided on helping drive the bus, the trip taking about 3-5 hours depending on traffic. There were only about fourteen people going on the trip, so they decided to split everyone up into six rooms maximum. Which meant two to four people per room. (Please don't try calculating the math-)

"We're all tired, so we'll leave you girls to rest. Erza and Levy, your suite is the one to the right next door. As you may already know, the five of you will be sharing a connected room, meaning the large door beside me is an open passageway to either hotel room. Enjoy!" Mira took her younger sister, Lisanna's, hand and headed down the hall to their room. After waving the sisters goodbye, everyone headed to their rooms to unpack and sort things out.

-  -  - 

"Hey, I finished unpacking, Levy. You don't mind my cooking supplies, right?" Levy leaned over the side of the sofa to see a large stack of bags taller than the mage standing in front of her in their room, the pile seeming to be placed on only one side of the room: Levy's.

"Where am I supposed to sleep? There's no way I'm sleeping on the couch after that bus ride." She asked, her eyebrows furrowing.

"Why not? The couch seems pretty comfy to me." Erza replied.

"We're splitting this room Erza, whether you like it or not." Levy spoke up, standing up off the couch. Her exhaustion steamed out of her as aggravation. There was no way she was backing down in this mood.

"Are you challenging me?" Erza growled, her arms crossed. She took a few steps closer to the script mage.

"Oh my Mavis," she sighed aloud, stepping closer to her and bawling her fists, "I. Am. Not. Sleeping. On. The. Couch."

"Erza, Levy, stop arguing in front of Juvia!" The water-mage said nervously.

"I think you meant don't argue period." Lucy added in.

"Are you trying to outdo me?"

"No Juvia, I thought we got over this? I do not like Gray!"

"Juvia knows Lucy doesn't love Gray-sama, but not liking him as a friend is down right cold for everything Gray-sama has been doing for Lucy-san!" Juvia started to stomp towards Lucy, her fist curling.

"No Juvia, I meant that I don't love Gray but I do like him as a friend and I was not trying to out do you!" Lucy screamed, making Juvia apologize for the misunderstanding and then she apologized too.

"Everybody stop!" Carla screamed madly. "We can't be fighting on the first day! Let's all just calm down, apologize, and end the day with happy thoughts and voices!"

"Sorry." Everybody mumbled, except one. All eyes turned to her. Erza stood up straight, from her bed, walking back into the room.

"I'm not apologizing for simply packing what I need." Levy started to boil with anger, but she soon just sighed and shrugged it off with everyone else. It was getting darker every passing minute and no one was in the mood for arguing with the stubborn scarlet.

They quickly changed into their night clothes and headed for bed, leaving the rest of the un-packing for tomorrow.


A/N sorry it was a short chapter I think I did good though for my first time so hope you loved it bye!

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