Until Next Time

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So I know this book originally had an ending chapter similar to this one where I said that I'd be writing another book to continue this series

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So I know this book originally had an ending chapter similar to this one where I said that I'd be writing another book to continue this series. I wrote this story over the course of a few months, many of them during Summer, I think? Only a few weeks after I published that last chapter and started working on the new book, I started school.

I'm pretty sure I was starting 7th grade at that time. I released new chapters almost every week at that point, even during school. It was a bit of a struggle, but I made it work. I met older kids (8th graders) who loved anime as much as me too, so my obsession with it really increased then.

Skip to winter break when I'm starting to realize that I'm going to be an 8th grader soon, and the older kids were going away to high school, meaning my only fellow otaku in real life were going to be gone. It's not the best feeling to know that at some point soon you're going to be on your own once you've become so comfortable in a situation with others. If that makes sense?

About a month before winter break I had also introduced myself to Hamilton, which practically took over my life. Due to that theatrical invasion, I slowly stopped watching anime and listening to musicals instead. By the beginning of the summer I didn't watch anime anymore and Broadway was my new obsession. My 8th grade friends and I didn't exactly stay in contact even though we had each others numbers.

I wouldn't call 8th grade the worst school year of my life, but it wasn't much of a good one either. It sucked. I'm naturally a big fan girl and a fan of many things, so having no one that related to me in my small school was on of the worst experiences of my life. There were people who came close, but no one seemed to understand what I was going through.

I'm a big on venting, so all I wanted to do was rant. Rant to people who didn't know every aspect of me that contributed to what I was going through. People with completely different minds and interest than mine. Even if they were into something, they weren't nearly as invested as me which lessened the connection.

That feeling of having to hide myself and be someone I didn't want to be really messed me up. Badly. Like tears and hating myself and fake friends and shiz. Now, in Summer, I feel as if I've gotten to exhale and straighten things out. I can finally figure out who I once was and who I still want to be. It's going to take a while, but it's worth it.

I'm starting with two of the biggest parts of my life, those being my interest and my looks. I've never been the super confident one, but I was always someone who thought of myself as at least cute. I also know my figure isn't like one of a model, (I'm a potato lmao) but I used to not be so insecure about it, so I'm embracing that too. Aside from learning to love myself again, I've been trying to remember what I used to love and do it again. I've very slowly started watching anime again, deciding starting Yuri on Ice and then finishing Fairy Tail is my best bet.

Aside from anime, I've reconnected with my emo roots and become a full fledged Panic! At the Disco fan, meaning yes, Brendon is my king. He's helped me a lot in learning to embrace myself and not give a frick what others think about it. An unapologetic lifestyle where you don't harm or bother others is the best kind of one tbh. (I'm also back to fob, mcr, top, you know, the usuals. + pop since I've always been a fan)

I've also gotten back into YouTubers I truly love, but we're not going to make this too many pages. That said, I'm starting to graphic design and really figure things out. I'm starting to ramble and I'm sure you're wondering why I felt the need to tell any of you, so I'll get to the point: I may or may not (don't quote me on this), continue writing this story. I most likely won't so don't get your hopes up, but if I do, it will be announced on my profile.

That's all I have for this chapter rn, I might update it later, who knows. This is simply me just ranting and giving an explanation so I won't take the time to edit it. SO yeah, I love you guys so much, thanks for all the votes, comments, and views on this thing 5th grade me never expected to get more than 10 views and no votes/comments on this fanfic.

⊶ meet the (old, but-) new and improving jules:

⊸ rant/random book: https://www.wattpad.com/story/139185367-superlit-rants

⊸ new story: https://www.wattpad.com/story/141884362-wild-things-jamilton

⊸ yes, i'm emo, and no that does not mean i'm a goth: https://www.instagram.com/nineintheniche/?hl=en

⊸ i talk a lot and harass my stans too much oops: https://twitter.com/mayson5281

⊸ i express my feelings through aesthetic boards:



feel free to message me anytime btw ♡

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