Ch.27 "Fire........"

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A/N I'm back guyz! Have you checked out my new book, Prank Wars? Hope you enjoy! 


Meredy's POV

I kept running. I felt scars scrapes and bruises form where the bushes were scratching me. They hurt, but I didn't care. I kept running. 

I felt something ooze over my body, the leaks were from different parts. I didn't want to observe it. My eyes caught a glimpse of something red. Great, blood. I've seen enough of that today.......

Then I saw something that made my past come back to haunt me. "Fire..." I whispered. I looked at the shining flames. They moved, as if dancing. I thought of Zancrow's black flames and how they twisted and twirled around the bodies of the innocent victims until they went limp. 

Then, the haunting came. When I was a child, Grimoire Heart, they burned my village and killed everybody close to my heart. Ultear took me in though, she said she saw something special in me. 

Then, I saw the fire and my village, flash before my eyes. It was like I could see it, though it was so far. I remember, my mom. I remember her screaming for me to run. She was always so caring for me, I loved her. "Mom." I whispered. I then saw her, standing before me, I knew it was just my brain creating the illusion of her being, but I saw her and gave in. 

"Meredy!" She screamed. "Mom......" I whispered. "I know I'm gone, but....." She looked to the side. 

"They gave you another chance and took you in!" She screamed, tears filling her eyes to rim. Soon, they couldn't take it, they poured the salty water onto her cheeks. I saw it fall off her and make imaginary puddles on the grass. 

"They gave you a chance, my pink flowered, miracle." She called me. I then remembered, that was her name for me. Since my mom and dad were told mom could never have a baby, but eventually I came. I almost didn't make it, but I'm here. Since my hair reminded dad of mom's favorite pink lily's he gave to her on their first date. I was a miracle, and my mom and dad called me on. Dad called me pink flower, but mom called me miracle. They soon combined their nick- names to create the one I had then. 

I started to cry, remembering every event in my life. Even more tears for me to shed today, great. I've seen and felt too much blood and tears today. 

I was in a crying illusion for a while, but I snapped back when I heard my mothers caring voice. "Now, It's your turn to show them, what you've learned." She told me, her tears shimmering. "I'll love you forever, Meredy, my pink flowered, miracle." She said, she whispered my nick name, and in a flash, she was gone. 

"Mom!" I cried into the sound of the night and the flames, whispering into the wind. "Mom." I whispered. I was on my knees, hands placed on the ground infront of me. Hair, falling, and hanging down infront of my face, all hot and sweaty. "Why?" I asked myself like there would be a response, but of course, nothing came.

I finally saw through my blurred vision, and noticed the huge wet spot in the grass. It was from my tears. I looked around me and saw red, on the floor, next to both of my arms. I looked at my arms.......blood barely running down them. 

I thought of Jellal's smile, and Ultear's and Juvia's. I even thought of Lucy's, and Erza's, and Levy's, and Carla's and Gray's, and finally, Happy's. I thought of all of them. I sat up, and looked to the sky. I wondered what they were doing until I felt hot, like sweating hot. I looked back down and noticed fire coming torwards me. 

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