Ch.28 "And the puppy's name is....."

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A/N I'm back! I wanted to give you time for your comments, but it seems people don't really like to comment, so I just worked with what I got.


Previously on Vacation to the Palm Hotel=

Meredy has runaway in search of a runaway Jellal. Erza & Juvia will be going to look for them in the morning. Meredy encountered a puppy in circled with flames and ran to the river with a bucket of water. She took out the fire and her suddenly burning cape. She looks at the blood, tears, and burn marks all over her. "Why?" She ask. Her mother tells her to show what she's learned from Ultear, and Meredy soon discovers it was to save the puppy. She has now decided to keep the puppy and give it another chance.

Present= Meredy's POV

"I'm gonna name you......


Chance barked in reply, he seemed to like his name. I rubbed his head and smiled. "Oh, Chance."

"I took a good "Chance" on you!" I shouted to the hyper puppy.

He wagged his tail. "We should get going." I stated, my tone changing. "It's getting dark and my scars are starting to get to me."

He barked in reply, ears lowering. He slowly walked to my right arm and started to lick the bruises of blood off my arms. Scars were left, but without the blood, I felt better already. He kept licking, nuzzling me softly with his cold, wet nose. He walked to my other arm, licking the scars, repeating his process.

"Chance..." I whispered, a single tear running down my cheek. More tears followed after the leader, a smile appearing on my face. "You're definitely my dog." I whispered. "You're perfect for me."

He barked happily in reply and jumped up, licking the tears off my face. "Chance, relax, tears of joy." I told him, like he was a human.

You just feel calm taking to animals, they know you. I tapped his ears, breathing softly. I enjoyed his company, ti'll I noticed we needed to leave. "Chance! We have to go!" I shouted, jumping up and startling the puppy. He rolled off of me, onto the soft grass, asking for a belly rub. I bent down and gave him a little one.

...........................Time Skip!...............................

We were running, side by side. Chance staying perfectly at my pace. I smiled and he barked. Perfect....I thought to myself. Just perfect.........

I thought of Jellal, he'll be so excited to see Chance! Jellal, I miss you.....We'll be there very soon!

I started running faster, Chance still keeping up to my paste. I didn't know where we were going, but I'm sure it would lead us to Jellal.

"Jellal!" I screamed into the trees. "Jellal!" I repeated, I started chanting his name, Chance copying me with his bark.

"Jellal, woof!" We'd both scream in sink, I knew Chance would understand. We soon reached a wall, of well, I don't really know, but it looks like rocks. I could see a tiny waterfall running throughout the little wall. I looked to the side, I saw more forest, and a river, snaking form behind the rock wall. I started wandering, walking torwards the back of the rock wall. I found a cave. It was tiny, but good enough.

I walked into the cave. Nothing.... I searched, remembering the lacrima films. "Clear!" I shouted to Chance, who was curiously dodging ahead. "We'll stay here for the night Chance." I ordered, voice clear.

Chance ran outside of the cave, searching for something. He ran to the river, gushing not to far from the cave. He ran to the edge and stuck his head under the water.

"Chance..." I was supposed to shout, but I was relieved and had to keep watching. He grabbed something and quickly jumped back, shocking me.

"Chance!" I screamed running torwards him, seeing two fish thrashing about in his jaws. I tried to grab the fish out, but they were slippery. I eventually got them and caught my grip.

I eventually had Chance kill the fish and started a fire. I looked at the flames, making me remember Chance's previous events. I looked at Chance, whimpering, backing away from the fire. "I won't let it hurt you Chance." I told him reassuringly, pulling him into my lap. He whimpered a little, but sat down calmly in my lap. I roasted the fish and we happily ate.

Chance eventually caught more fish, soon to the point where we were both full. I rubbed Chance's head and laid down, next to the fire, in the cave. "Chance...." I whispered, falling asleep.

Jellal's POV

I was lying down, somewhere in the middle of the forest possibly. I looked at my dirty hands. "They're right." I told myself.

"I am a monster. I could never change that. Maybe the old me was the way, I'll never be excepted."

"Maybe this is it."

"It's time for me to face the facts."

Nobody's POV

Jellal's once regular expression converted into a cold one, his eyes turning a bright red. He threw off his clothes, leaving only his tank top and pants on.

His eyes glowed in the moonlight, scaring anything to possibly walk by.

"The old is back, to take over the new!" He screamed, his demonic voice powering over the trees, the ground shook.


"DID YOU MISS ME?................"

A scarlet headed girl awoke from her slumber in a cabin. She jumped up and shivered.

Erza looked around at everyone's sleeping faces.


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