Ch.12 Operation Natsu+Lucy is in Action!

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A/N I hope you guys will enjoy it! I really do appreciate you guys reading this!

Lucy's Point of View

Lucy was running down the sidewalk of the city. "UGH!.............." "I feel so sick!" Lucy shouted.

She was running as fast as she could when her life depended on it. Which it did! But she was getting really hungry!

"Where are they!?" Lucy shouted even louder. "They should be saving me since I saved Levy and this is what I get?!" Lucy shouted once more as she passed up a blue cake shop. "Yes, a cake shop I'm so saved!" Lucy whispered to herself.

Her and Erza looked like orbs running down the side walk. Erza red orb and Lucy yellow. "If I throw something at the store Erza will look at the item and see the cake shop and just have to go inside." Lucy still whispered. "It was a coincidence she passed up a water bottle up on the sidewalk. She picked it up and threw it at the store.

Erza's Point of View (POV)

"I"m powering down." Erza said to herself. Her eyes were light red instead of dark red like before. She was getting tired of chasing after Lucy but the energy inside her still wanted to go.

"Wait whats that?!" Erza yelled to herself as she saw a water bottle fly infront of her. Her eyes followed the bottles direction and saw the cake shop. "Cake!" "I'm really hungry!" .............(stomach growl)................. "I can just smell the strawberry cheesecake!" "Its my favorite food ever especially with a souffle!" Erza shouted to herself once more.

"I'm so hungry but I can't stop now!" "I see Lucy's powering down too." "I'm almost there!"

Lucy's POV

"Erza sees the cake shop but she's still going?!" "I can't believe it!" "Erza's really gonna pass up cake?!" "This is unbelievable!?" "I can't get away ." Lucy cried to herself. "I've gotta get away but how!?" Lucy screamed in her mind.

"Erza's POV

"I'm so hungry." Erza whined to herself. "I can't do this any longer I have to go to the strawberry cheesecake! Erza said as she turned around and went into the cake shop. Once their she ordered 3 strawberry cheesecakes. Like she said they are her favorite food.

"I feel my power boosting up!" Erza said as she ate the first piece of cake happily.

Back to Lucy

"Yes!" Lucy shouted as she kept running. "I finally stopped Erza for now that is." Lucy was so excited with herself that she wasn't paying attention to where she was going and ran into a tree sitting on a little grassy part on the middle of the sidewalk.



Lucy said as she woke herself up. "I need to think of a plan to get back to the hotel without Erza catching me and fast!" Lucy whispered. "I know!" Lucy suddenly said as she leaned up against the tree.

Earlier a guy had on the sidewalk saw the two running past him. He sat down on a bench with his root beer and thought to himself. Guy's thoughts < "Those Fairy Tail mages are trying to come up here and cause trouble too?!" "I can't believe they think they can just come up her and start breaking our beautiful city!" The guy shouted in his thoughts. "I hope somebody teaches then some manners like their Guild master Makarov." "Wait he's the one that's trained them this way." "I don't know what he's doing but they sure do seem like a love- hard rowdy bunch." "They are definitely the worlds "Crazy Kids" but at least they have good hearts." "I can be sure about that." "I would really love to meet "The Great Salamander and Titania themselves but that's probably a little far in the future." The guy thought all this as he chuckled to himself

A/N Maybe this guy will be coming back into the future books I write cause I'm determined to write more! I"m gonna end it her with the "Mysterious Guy". Hope you loved it! BYE!

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