Ch.17 "I know I don't drink but...."

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A/N Sorry for the long chapter name. Also I will try to be jumping back with this story as I continue to develop it. I got pictures guys! YAY!

Levy's POV

I started to wrap up the rest of Erza's bandages until I was finished. "All brand new!" I proclaimed as she scanned over her bandaged body. "Whoa, I didn't know it was that bad." She stated staring at the bandages with blood stains bleeding through them. "Its always "that bad" with you." I said as a joke. 

Erza chuckled. "I guess I do get pretty heavily bandaged." She stated with a smile. "Why don't we check on all the other girls since we changed into our pajamas!" I shouted. "Yeah, sure." 

We walked out of our room to see all the girls huddled infront of the television watching a movie. 

Erza's POV

I feel so depressed. I can't believe this happened. I wasn't suppose to think about him on vacation..... I thought to myself. My thoughts started to drift higher and higher into sadness until I felt like I wanted to be knocked out. I went over to the table and sat next to the bottles while Levy joined the other girls.

I read over the white tag and label. "Its not supposed to have the side effects of getting drunk huh?" I asked myself with a whisper. "Why not give it a try so Fairytail doesn't have to waste so much money on these." I kept whispering to myself. I ripped open the package and tape, opened one of the bottles and started to chug so loud the other girls noticed. 

"ERZA!" Lucy screamed. "What are you doing!" I think she screamed. I didn't know for sure cause it had been like 5 minutes and I had already finished chugging the bottle. 

Wendy's POV

"I feel woozy." Erza said woozily with her head spinning around while she was in the chair. "I'm sorry girls but Juvia needs to suffer with Erza-san not watch her in torture!" Juvia confidently shouted as she ran over to Erza, took one of the bottles and started chugging. "Whoa!" I whispered to myself nervously. {I hope they don't try to get me to drink....} I thought as scared as ever about what they'd do. 

"Juvia!" Levy screamed. "This is the last time we ever do this!" "Agreed?!!" Lucy screamed. "Fine......" We all muttered out. "Chug, Chug, Chug....." Was all you could hear as me, Lucy, Levy and Carla chugged on our bottles too. 

 I feel so drowsy......


A/N Wendy Marvell's POV will now be canceled due to the passing out of drinking at a young age. Thank you for understanding the inconvenience.

Levy's POV

I kept chugging my bottle sitting on the couch watching Wendy then Carla and finally Lucy pass out. "I thought Erza could hold herself." I stated shocked at what I saw before me. "I can hold myself for a while though." I thought out loud. 

I got up and was shakily and wobbly walking to the kitchen. "Water will lessen the effect." I whispered to myself. I was at the fridge reaching for the door handle when..........

"Darn't I didn't make it........" I whispered as I passed out on the kitchen floor slowly


A/N Due to lack of character's POVs. We  will have to cut this chapter short. Thank you for understanding the inconvenience of this situation. 

Hope you enjoyed! 

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