Ch.6 Erza's Talking

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"Wait a minute!" Lucy yelled after everyone. "Where's the elevator?" Lucy asked as she walked infront of everybody looking for the elevators. "This way Lucy." Levy said as she turned the corner into the hallway. "Oh, ok." Lucy yelled back while chasing after them. They took the elevators down to the lobby for the expensive suites.

A/N ( Theirs more than one lobby in the hotel.) Their is a lobby for the expensive suites, the medium suites and the cheap suites so 3 different lobbies in 1 hotel.

They looked at the three desk in the lobby and read the signs. They took the one that said "Problem Solvers". Yep, that's what it said. They walked up to the counter and let Erza do the talking. (Big mistake!)

"Excuse me sir." Erza stated. The guy turned his head to Erza. "Yes ma'm, can I help you?" The guy said as he adjusted his badge. "Yes, you actually can." Erza replied while motioning for Levy to come closer with the box. Erza took the box away from Levy and set it between her and the man. "Their apparently has been a mistake."

"Oh, what has happened?" The man asked with a raised brow. "Well you see...." Erza started. "This package has accidentally been delivered to our room." Erza said as the man picked up a mirror and started looking at himself in it. "It has drinks in it and we don't drink so we can't use it and we didn't order it so we want a refund and for you guys to take back these bottles." Erza continued. The man looked in the box. "Yeah, these are drinks alright." He said as he put the mirror down.

"Well we can't use them so refund us and take them back." Erza said as she slid the box over to the man. "Sorry to break this to you ladies but we have a no return policy here at the Palm Hotel." The man said as he scooted the package back over to Erza. "So you'll have to keep the drinks and and let us keep your money." The guy stated.

"Look here." Erza started as she picked up the guy by his collar with her arm over the counter. "We've already been having a rough time here and we don't need to have to add this on to the list of bad things happening to us while were here." Erza said as she watched the guy tremble in her hands.

"Ma'm I'm so-rr-y but we ha-vv-e a no return pol-ii-cc-y." The guy stuttered. Erza pulled the guy over the counter, threw him on the floor and then picked him up by his collar again. "Well it looks like you'll have to make an exception." Erza said as she balled her hand into a fist maybe about to punch him.

"Ma'm please, I told you we ha-vv-ee a nn-o retu-rr-n po-ll-i-cc-y." The guy said still stuttering. Erza's fist leaped into action until another barred (prevent or forbid the entrance or movement of) force stopped her..... Levy. "Erza you can't do this." Levy said with her hand still blocking Erza's . "This is a bad idea, we could get the whole Fairy Tail guild kicked out of the hotel or worse the council could arrest us." Levy said while helping up the guy and letting him run behind the counter. "Lets just go back to the room and try to figure this out."

Levy said as she picked up the box off the counter and started walking to the elevator. The other girls formed a circle around Erza and got her into the elevator too.

It was a noisy ride up the elevator with a angry Erza and a calm yet feisty Levy.

A/N I'm just gonna leave it their. I would of had this out earlier if Wattpad wouldn't have deleted what I had typed earlier like 2 hours ago so yeah. BYE!

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