Ch. 20 "They're drunk?!"

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A/N I really hope you guys enjoy this! It's the sacred chapter! Chapter 20! I'm definitely gonna keep going! With writing in general not this book but this is not the last chapter! 

Gray's POV

"They're drunk!?" Gray screamed seeing the bottles in each of their hands. "Wait!" Gajeel screamed, running to each of the girls, and sniffing right above their mouths. 

"Yeah!" Natsu yelled copying Gajeel. "What are you idiots doing?!" I questioned. 
"They had some of the hotel's drink supply." Gajeel soon stated. 

"Oh....." I muttered. "Wait, how do you know that!?!?" I kept questioning. 

"I might have slipped into the hotel's supply room for a quick drink......" Gajeel muttered looking away from me and Natsu. 

"I thought you only drank beer?" I asked with a confused look on my face. 

"I thought it was beer until I finished chugging the bottle and tasted it." 

"Idiot, can't even tell your drinks....." I muttered causing him to walk up to me. 

"What was that?" "Ice princess?" Gajeel sarcastically asked with a smirking look on his face.

"Where's Shrimp?!" He asked running and looking, around the living room. 

Pantherlily's POV 

Me and Happy split up and flew down the bedroom halls. I went down Juvia and Lucy's while Happy went down Erza and Levy's. I passed up the kitchen but backed up when my eyes got caught on a glimpse of something purple. 

"She's in here!" I screamed to everyone, looking at the knocked out Levy lying infront of the fridge. 

"Shrimp!" Gajeel screamed picking her up and dropping her on the couch.

 "I'll wake them up." 


Gajeel and Natsu then started to work on a megaphone with a piece of extra iron Levy gave Gajeel as a snack. 

Gray's POV

I sat next to Juvia and waited for them to finish. Natsu sat next to Lucy and Gajeel used the megaphone. 

"Wake up!" He screamed causing the girls to squirm on the floor and wake up.

"Juvia didn't mean to leave Gray- sama waiting!" Juvia screamed trying to tackle me. "NO!" I shouted backing away causing her to miss but I caught her and placed her back on the floor gently.

She scooted away from me and started to cry. "Gray-sama doesn't appreciate Juvia......." I heard her mutter. 

I groaned. "Come here Juvia." I muttered causing her face to light up and see crawled to me to grab my arm and hold it tight. 

Happy's POV 

I stood next to Carla watching her start to wake up. "I'm thirsty..." She muttered. 

I stared at her blankly. "Don't just stand there!" "Get me some milk!" She shouted at me angrily. "But you just had a big drink Carla and you need water-" She cut me off with the glare of her demanding eyes. 

"Fine..." I muttered flying away and getting her milk.

Gajeel's POV

"You ok, Shrimp?" I asked her. "Dizzy!" She screamed with her head waving around in circles. "Great!" I muttered sarcastically. 

"Let's go have fun!" She shouted, trying to to get up but stumbling the whole time. "No, Shrimp...." I muttered reaching my hand after her and pulling her down. "Gajeel!" She screamed hugging me. 

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