Ch.14 Natsu v Erza : Battle of Justice Begins?!

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A/N Hey guys back with another chapter! I'm can't go to sleep and it is so late so I just decided to go ahead and wrap up this chapter although I probably won't post this ti'll morning. You get a morning of Fairy Tail! So good morning! 

"At least I know you were paying attention to the plan." Carla said as she sat next to Levy "I kinda wish we could see Natsu and Erza fight or at least check on Lucy." Levy said with a tiny smile "I don't like fighting but it can't be changed now." Levy said as she shrugged a "oh well" look "I want to check on everybody too." Carla said as her thoughts drifted to Lucy's situation. 

"Well... their has to be some way to get their." Levy said as she thought. "Yeah but we can't run fast enough since we're not in danger like Lucy." Carla stated as she too thought. "We can't but their still has to be another way we can get to them." Levy said as she stared at Carla.

Carla looked out the window and saw a blue orb fly by. "Wait, Happy!" Carla shouted after the flying orb.   Happy's thoughts > "Oh, no its Carla." I better fly out of here but she looks so pretty......" "Maybe I could drop by and give her a fish." Happy thought > Happy decided to fly down to see what she wanted. 

"Hey Carla, what did you need?" "A fish maybe?" Happy said as he started to pull something out of his green bag.  "No!" "I do not need a fish and I never will from you!" Carla shouted at Happy. "I only need some help I'll admit." Carla said as she stared at Happy with a smirk.

"Oh, no!" Happy said as he tried to fly away but Carla grabbed his tail and pulled him in the room.

"Anybody, help me!" Happy screamed as he was being dragged. "Oh hush." Carla said as she tugged and rolled her eyes.  "I'm to young to die!" Happy screamed again as the door closed. "Ugh, tomboyish cat!" Carla shouted inside loud enough for you to hear her from outside.

"Whats Happy doing here?" Levy asked as she walked up to the blue cat and helped him up. 
"Natsu said that he could beat Grey and Gajeel anytime so they decided to have him fight Grey, take a break and fight Gajeel." Happy said with a dizzy smile "He was fighting Grey still when all of a sudden he said that Grey wins, he gives up and has to go somewhere." Happy said as he fixed his face and got his balance back.

Levy nodded her head. "Oh, ok I understand but why are you here?" Levy asked with a confused face "I thought something bad had happened since Natsu never gives up in a fight except for with Gildarts at the S-class trial." Happy said as he rubbed the back of his head with a smile "So I went after him since we're buds and I'd never leave his side." Happy said as he looked out the window.

"That clears things up." Levy said as she stared at the two exceeds (cat breed) "Carla why did you pull him in?" Levy asked her. "So he can help us with our problem." Carla replied.





They then came out of the suite. A black orb started coming. It was Pantherlily. "Hey Pantherlily stop!" Carla yelled.  Pantherlily stopped and flew down to the group. "I'm going after Natsu to see what's going on and Gajeel and Grey will meet up with me." Pantherlily said as he pushed his sword down a little. "Then you don't want to come down here." Happy said with a nervous smile.

"Shush!" Carla exclaimed as she grabbed Pantherlily's paw. "We need your help carrying some of the girls to Natsu and the others." Carla said as she pointed to the nervous looking group of girls. "I don't want Happy to try carrying Wendy but he should be able to carry one." Carla said with a sighed look.

"Ok." Pantherlily said as he walked up to the group of girls. "Which one of you shall I be carrying?" Pantherlily said as he stared at the group. "UMmmmmmm..........." Carla said as she swished her finger around the group. "Levy." Carla said as she pointed her finger directly at her and called her forward. "Me!?" Levy said as she nervously walked up.

"Is everyone ready?" Pantherlily asked as each exceed got behind their partner. "Ready!" everyone yelled back.  They then took off into the sky, partners in place, looking pretty awesome.   "Wendy can you sniff out Natsu?" Pantherlily said as he turned his head to her. "My dragon senses aren't as strong as Nastu and the others but I can give it a try." Wendy said shyly as she lifted her nose into the calm air. "Wendy, if you can't its ok, don't push yourself too hard." Carla said a little bit bossy. 

"I'm fine Carla, I can help too." Wendy said with a little confidence. "I got something!" Wendy suddenly shouted "I can smell the burnt wood." Wendy said as she pointed to the ground.  "Great!" Levy shouted "You're so light compared to Gajeel." Pantherlily said with a smirk "You're light even when you squirm." Pantherlily said with a little chuckle to himself.  "Levy giggled a little thinking about Gajeel being the gardener plucking her (the little flower) out of a garden. 

The group kept following Wendy's nose ti'll they got to the others. They expected to arrive to a normal looking part of the city but that's definitely not what they got.

A/N Sorry its been a while guys! I've been having trouble publishing it but here it is! Hope you enjoy! 

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