Ch.3 Dreams & Jellal

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A/N Hello again guys hope you love this chapter! Also I do not own Fairy Tail just this story line!

"What was the dream?" Lucy asked suspiciously. "Well.....I was running down a dark hall way with images of Jellal every where." "Ok and ?" Lucy asked. "I saw this door at the end of the hallway and I could see the lights were on so I went to it and opened it," Erza started, rubbing her head. " As soon as I opened the door I fell through and passed out." Erza started to get quieter while Lucy was nodding her head along with the other girls. They were really interested in her dream so interested that it was already 10:00. "I woke up on my knees and tried to get up I started to lift my hands up to see that I was in chains. I had a confused face as I wondered what was going on and heard evil laughing I looked up to see who it was and I saw his familiar face. I asked him what was going on and all he said was that I've been a very naughty girl being with "those guys". I asked him what was going on again and he started laughing again...." Erza started to hyperventilate ( breathe heavily). "He then said I looked pitiful and down right shameful in this state. Then he started to mock the name of which I don't know who gave me, Titania." Erza started to ball her fist but Lucy reached over and opened them.

"Look at the great Titania. He said with a devious smile. She doesn't look so powerful to me just a weak little flower blowing in the wind. Titania... he whispered.They say you're the Queen of the Fairies but you don't look like your representing the fairies you're just proving that their weak. He spat. I started to tell him that my guild and home Fairy Tail could come and help me! But all he did was laugh and tell me that he's been watching me and sees that I've been way too close with Natsu & Gray. He said my heart is supposed to belong to him and I screamed no it will never belong to you! He looked at me laughed and snapped his fingers which caused Gray to fall from the ceiling on a big silver platform show casing him with his arms cuffed to the platform," Erza's eyes started to water. "I looked at him and  their were scars, bruises and bleeding cuts all over his body." Erza started to cry. Lucy put her arm around her shoulder, hugged her and said: "Erza its alright if you don't want to finish it sounds like you were having a nightmare.(!) Lucy stopped hugging her and lifted her face up and said: "We all get you and Jellal's relationship." Lucy smiled so brightly Erza couldn't help it to just laugh a little because Lucy said "relationship"." Erza couldn't believe her dating someone else though her dating life would never go any where else but with Jellal she thought. Lucy snapped her out of it and Erza said she'd continue with her dream.

"I couldn't hold back the tears and started to cry," Erza mumbled. "I had never felt so weak but right their brought down at his command. I told him that I still had faith and hope. He told me that he'd be the one to crush all of it in his hand and snapped his fingers to have Nastu in the exact same position as Gray. I started screaming their names and trying to run to them but the chains held me down. He walked in front of me and laughed. I asked what he wanted and he said for me to be his girl and never leave his side. I refused and said no but he used his powers to pick up Gray out of the cuffs and started to throw him around on the floor. I told him to stop but he asked me again to do what he wanted...." Erza was in tears all the girls were watching her and handing tissues to Lucy to give to Erza. "I refused and said no but he just picked Nastu up too and threw both of them around. I saw Natsu and Gray start coughing up a little blood. I yelled at him and told him he was taking this too far!" Erza's started to run out of tears. "My friends, no little brothers were getting beat up and all I could do was watch. I was a failure. It felt like he had really just picked up my ball of hope and crushed it in his hand.

He asked me again if I would be his girl and never leave his side. He said if I did he would let Natsu and Gray go so I said yes to save them. Because I knew ya'll would come back for me." Erza smiled as she sucked up her tears. "He made Natsu and Gray disappear with 2 snaps of his fingers . He evilly smiled and took us to go get married. I asked him how he sent Gray and Natsu and he said he had sent them to his servants to have them escorted safely home but the servants ended up taking them to the wrong place and Gray and Natsu died. He said a careless oops and evilly laughed.

Then I started to scream and you guys woke me up." Erza stated plainly wiping the tears away with her tissue. A smile formed on her face as Lucy said "Erza by the way whats that package sitting next to you?" Erza smiled and said "I don't know lets figure it out."

A/N Hope you loved that guys check next one for tomorrow by the way I have a blog and a YouTube channel or 2 that I will tell you about tomorrow in the next chapter so see. Also don't forget to tune in for what I'm gonna have with the bottles this story is just getting started!

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