Ch.23 "The journey will continue!"...."Tomorrow."

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A/N Okay guys! This book is so close! I know, nobody wants it to end, but it's almost there! I really don't want it to end, but its the little plank of wood blocking the water flow of books coming! I have made all the book covers for the next books I'm pretty sure. Hope you enjoy! On the video skip to 10:01 or 7:19 , to see what Meredy remembers.

Ultear's POV

I looked to Gray and saw him going to Natsu and Gajeel. He whispered something in their ears and they chuckled. 

What is he up to?

I should just ask.

Gray's POV

I should just ask. 

I walked up to Ultear as she started to do what looked like her walking up to me. 

I stopped and she met me half way. We started to talk. "Gray, I was just wondering, what exactly were you telling Natsu and Gajeel?"

Why does she think the same as me?!!

I chuckled. "I was just about to ask you the same thing." "I came up with a plan." She then chuckled to herself. 

I whispered as soft as possible and told her my plan. "You came up with the exact same plan as me!" 

We both laughed softly at our coincidence.

A/N Now I will bring you into the cabin!

Pink Haired Mages's POV

I jumped onto my big blue bed in the cabin. The cabin looked small from a distance, but it was actually quite large. 

I walked out of my bedroom and to the kitchen. I looked around and saw Jellal and Ultear were gone. 

I wonder if Ultear went to help Jellal fish.....

I'll go check................. After I grab a snack! 

I then ran to the fridge and grabbed a apple. I rinsed it off and ran out the door. "Sorry." I mumbled, feeling my face slam into a big, warm........chest?! It was Ultear! I backed off and looked around to see the Fairytail gang! I then tried to hold my head up high and look a little proud, but my hair didn't agree. 

I blew it off and finally had to just brush it away. I gave a weak smile and searched Ultear's warm kind smile glow upon me. I then searched for Jellal. I found him standing beside her with everybody's eyes staring at me. He gave me his usual clumsy smile and I ran to give him a hug. 

After the three of us being together through so much, he kinda of became like a big brother to me, but Ultear was my mother figure, really making Jellal a dad figure, but I couldn't place him there. Juvia was my big sister figure. I looked around for Juvia and saw her on the ground, softly sleeping, with Levy, and Lucy up against a tree. Levy and Lucy weren't too far from her, but I was paying attention to Juvia. 

I quietly slipped away from the crowd, who were simultaneously, talking about me while I'm here. I crept to Juvia and quickly my brain flashed what she had told me when I was in Grimoire Heart. 

I remember her, tears gushing down her face, her blue outfit ripped, her eyes full of mercy and innocence, but all I did was show her no mercy. She cared for me, even as the enemy. I could never repay her for that. I felt so bad. I can't believe I ever tried to kill her. I don't know what was wrong with me then, but I'm better now. I'm slowly working to forget and help soothe the pains of the past. 

"You have happiness, too!" Juvia screamed, holding my shoulder, tears running down her cheeks. I remembered  Ultear, and all our happy moments to me. "You have people precious to you, too!"She screamed. I couldn't help, but remember Ultear. "Live...." She told me. 

"Juvia will live for the people she loves!"  

"You're the same!" 

"If you have love, you've got to keep on living!" 

I saw her eyes shut, but the tears flowing out, but still, she smiled. Not like any other smile I've seen, but a true smile, one I will never forget. One I can never forget.

Tears of  love and vigor. I thought to myself. 

"These feelings, I-"  ...................................... "I cannot fight you." 

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Flashback Over>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

"These feelings, I-" I never did finish how I felt. I felt something so deep in depth, I just cannot explain. I felt even more than sadness, happiness, peace, compassion, and love all at the same time. I could never find the right word. It was beyond the human category, but whatever I felt, would make be in forever gratitude to Juvia Lockser. My B>S>F, MY BIG SISTER FOREVER. 

I now stared at the peacefully sleeping Juvia. "Thank you........" I whispered and kissed her head. "Gray- sama?" I heard her snore through her dreams. I giggled at this, causing her to shift and open her eyes. She had to blink twice to get the scene. "Meredy?!" She drearily asked.  "Yeah." I answered.

"Juvia..." I whispered.  

A/N I'm gonna cut it here! I've been reading a series I found called Pranking the Boy Next Door

and I think it is amazing, so I'm just recommending that you try it out! 

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