Ch. 4 None of Us Drink?

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A/N Hey guys its me here the author!  Happy July 4th! Lets start!

"So even you don't know what they are?" Lucy asked curiously as she leaned over the box to see the green bottles with the purple red-ish liquid. "No, they just arrived at the door this morning." Erza stated. "That's weird." Levy said as she picked up a small white label off of the box. "What do you see?" Erza and Lucy asked in unison. "This label says room service order to room #112." Levy answered. "But isn't that our room number?" Juvia asked as she walked closer to the three.

"Yeah, its our number." Erza said while moving closer to Levy. "But we didn't order anything." Wendy said as she too came closer up next to Juvia with Carla following. "Well why don't we find out whats inside the package first." Carla said while pointing at the box. "Good idea I'll look inside." Levy said shyly. "Huh?!" Levy shouted as she picked up one of the bottles out of the package. "What Levy?!" Erza asked surprised but nervously "The label says that these are drinks!" Levy exclaimed. "Drinks!?" "We don't drink!" Erza shouted not to loud. "Yeah, I know we don't drink that's just the point!" Levy said.

"I'm wondering why we got a room service for drinks, well those drinks!" Erza said. "Maybe they had a mess up delivery?" Juvia stated and questioned. "I guess so but we aren't gonna use these so lets take these back to the desk downstairs and return them." Levy suggested. "Yeah, that sounds good to me but lets get dressed." Lucy said as she walked to her & Juvia's room. "Ok, wait for Juvia though Lucy-san!" Juvia exclaimed running after Lucy. "Wendy what style for today?" Carla asked with a smile as she followed Wendy to their room.

A/N Its not over but I needed to tell you all of the info on the hotels room. Ok, so the hotel has different suites and the expensive suites are on the top of the hotel. Those expensive suites have more than 1 room so Fairy Tail bought the expensive ones and divided everyone into different suites. Then the master let them decide themselves which room for them to have. SO that is it for room explanation.

"I think lavender, blue and pink, with swirl designs!" Wendy said excitedly. "Sounds splendid!" Carla said excitedly too.

Now to Juvia and Lucy

A/N Well I'm gonna end it their guys sorry its a little short but yeah that's it! Love you guys! BYE!

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