Ch.22 "Blue Hair!"

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A/N Hey guys back at you with another chappie! Also, the song at the top has nothing to do with this story or my books, but I couldn't help but show it to you guys! Its so funny to me. I like it more than Taylor Swift's Bad Blood. Bat Blood! This is from the YouTube channel Hishe, or How It Should Have Ended.

Natsu's POV

We climbed up a few hills to the cliff. We looked around and saw a big wooden cabin on the cliff. It wasn't near the end, but it was right where the cliff began. It was a very detailed wood work, and you could tell that it took only a while by how new and fresh it looked. It was bright enough to match the scenery of its surrounding. We decided to investigate. 

Gray's POV

We crept up to the cabin, unaware if anything should jump out and try to attack us. I heard Natsu give a little scream of a excitement. He was obviously trying to hid his scream from something....."What now Natsu?" I asked him, a little annoyed. 

Natsu stood up with a big grin on his face. I stood up to see what he was acting about. 
My mouth opened in shock from what I saw. It then turned to a big grin when I caught a hold to Natsu's plan. We both turned to look at each other and grinned. Gajeel then did the same. 

"Hey, J-e-l-au-ll--!" Natsu screamed. "Idiot, that's not how you spell!" I screamed, bonking Natsu on his head. 

Pantherlily's POV

I looked ahead to see what they were smiling about. I saw a blue haired person, sitting on the edge of the cliff, holding something in his hand......a fishing rod.

I could tell it was a man by the way he looked, even though it was from the back we were all staring at. It must be a traveler, this is the perfect place to fish. I thought to myself. 

"How do you spell it then?!" Natsu screamed to Gray, bonking him on his head. "Whatever!" Natsu suddenly shouted, yelling something out. "Blue hair!" Natsu shouted to the fishermen. 

I didn't notice that he had blue hair ti'll Natsu shouted it out.  

Blue Haired Fisherman's POV

I sighed to myself when I heard the first sound of Natsu's voice. "Why?!" I whispered to myself, facepalming as hard as I could. I decided to pretend as if I didn't know them and I didn't hear them......but that was pretty hard.  

"I know you hear me!!!" Natsu screamed even harder and louder than before. I heard silence for a whole 10 minutes. I could barely hear, but I heard someone say, "How do you spell it again?". 

"J-e-ll-a-l!" I heard Natsu scream as loud as possible. I kept fishing.....

"Jellal!" Jellal!" "Jellal!" I heard three voices scream all together as loud as possible. 

I finally couldn't help trying to pretend..... "SHUT UP!!!!" I roared, throwing my rod to the ground, jumping up, and sending a wave of magic at all of them. I was lucky to not knock over my basket of fish in the process, but didn't have time to move my stuff. 

"That's the Jellal we know and love..." Natsu shouted, running up to me igniting his fist. 

"You, shut up the most." I muttered, holding my fist up and letting his chest slam into it. He fell to the ground, wincing in pain, but I just blew off my fist and chuckled looking down on him. 

"Brotherly love....." Natsu huffed out with a little dot of blood coming out of his mouth. "Yep." I whispered with a grin on my face to him, leaning down to the soft grass. 

Gray's POV

"What's going on here?!" I heard a familiar female voice, filled with concern ask. I looked at where the sound was coming from and saw the cabin door open. 

I gave a little gasp when I saw who walked out. "Gray?!" "Ultear!?" We both shouted in sink. We stared at each other for a bit until Ultear looked at Natsu, then Jellal. "Jellal!" Ultear gasped, seeing Natsu in pain on the floor. 

Jellal rubbed the back of his head...."It was on accident?" He stated shyly, still rubbing the back of his head. 

Ultear glared with daggers in her eyes at him. It was funny to see Ultear acting as if she was his mother. 

"Is this all who you came with?" Ultear asked, looking around at our group. "What happened to them?!" She asked, staring and pointing at Levy, Juvia, and Lucy. "It's a long story." I finally spoke up, answering her question. 

"We have plenty of time later." She replied. "We'll explain later then." I stated looking around. 

I then suddenly remembered her earlier question and replied. "This is everybody, but don't forget the scarlet in the corner there." I stated pointing to Erza, who was lying up against the big tree towering over the gigantic log cabin. 

Ultear let out a little gasp, then turning to look at Natsu still on the floor. Jellal then looked towards my finger and looked as cold as a ghost when he saw her, sleeping. 

Erza moved a little, slowly opening her eyes from her previous nap and examining her surroundings, saw all eyes staring at her. 

"What do you want?!" "What's going on?!" "Stop looking at me!" "Especially the guys, its just wrong....." Erza stared to mumble after her shouts. 

Erza's eyes kept scanning the surroundings. 

Erza then let out a little gasp before a shocked expression spread to her face.

"Jellal!" "What are you doing here?!" She screamed and stood up. I swear I then saw her turn her head and blush. 

She didn't seem to have anger in her at all. I could tell that Jellal must of knocked the poisons out of her. 

Ultear's POV 


I swear I saw Jellal look down and blush, but he then looked up nervously. Erza must of cheered him up, I thought to myself. He had been a little sad at first since he couldn't catch anymore fish for a while. Even though we had plenty he had already caught. 

I've gotta leave them to catch up. 

I smirked to myself. 

I've gotta tell everyone to leave.

Gray's POV

I've have to let them catch up. 

I then smirked to myself. 

I turned to Ultear and then saw her smirk exactly like me, but she stopped when she saw me smirking and we both sweat dropped. I nodded my head and decided to tell everyone to leave. 

I went to Natsu and Gajeel and told them my idea. They nodded. Gajeel smirked and Natsu let out a little laugh. 

I then saw Ultear go to all the girls, who were supposedly waking up and whisper to them. 

What is she up to? 

A/N I'm so sorry I took forever to publish this guys. I really am sorry. Anyways, I'm determined to finish this book! As soon as I do a wave of new books for you guys to read will come! 

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