Ch.7 Erza's Being Nosy

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"LEVY, what was that for!?" Erza shouted once they were back in the room and the door was locked. "I could've got us our money back and those bottles gotten rid of!" Erza still screamed while fixing herself a glass of lemonade. "No, the only thing you would've gotten rid of was that guys nose!" Levy yelled back while placing the box back on the table. "So what he needed a new one anyway!" Erza screamed back and then took a sip of her lemonade to set it on the kitchen counter.

"Erza & Levy, stop acting like 4 year old children!" Carla screamed walking up to the quarrel. "Erza it was a good thing that Levy stopped you or we could have got kicked!" Carla said to the two. "You're right, I'm sorry everyone." Erza said as she went to go pick up her lemonade "I don't know what got into me." She said as she took a huge sip.

"WHAT IN THE WORLD!" Levy screamed so loud it startled everyone. She was by the box reading the white tag hanging of the side of the box. "What Levy-san, you almost gave Juvia a heart attack?!" Juvia said as she went into her and Lucy's room and came out with her Gray doll.

"Sorry, but its the cost of these drinks!" Levy said as everyone gathered around and read the price. "That much for just some drinks!" Lucy shouted as Erza yelled "Were doomed!". "It says they have lots of rare and natural minerals and a lot of other stuff." Levy stated and went on. "It says it has so many of them that its pretty much not even a drink drink!" Levy said with a surprised look on her face.

"Does that mean you can't get drunk drinking them?" Lucy asked as she walked closer "I guess so but I don't care its still a drink which means I'll never drink it!" Levy yelled.

"Yeah either will we!" All of the girls screamed except for Carla and Wendy. Everybody stared at the two. "Uh what, did we do something wrong?" Wendy asked with a nervous look on her face. "Its just that Wendy-san and Carla-san didn't say that they wouldn't drink it like the other girls and Juvia." Juvia replied. "Oh, I thought we didn't need to reply because of how old I am and Carla... well she's an exceed." Wendy said still with a nervous look on her face. "Yes I agree with Wendy but if we must...." "WE WILL NOT DRINK THE DRINK!" Carla and Wendy shouted together.

"Ok now that that's settled who's gonna pay these things off?" Levy said as she pointed to the package. "Why don't we all give some cash together?" Wendy suggested. "DO YOU HAVE ANY CASH TO GIVE WENDY?" Levy questioned. "Umm when can I go on the next mission with you guys?" Wendy asked as she looked at Erza and Lucy. "Exactly.'" Erza stated

"Well Erza why don't you pay it?" Levy said shyly. "Excuse me, ..... what!?" Erza said as she walked up to Levy. "Well the rooms at Fairy Hills cost 100,000 jewel a month and you have 5 of them so you pay 500,000 jewel a month so you're obviously the richest out of all of us so why don't you pay it?" Levy said even more nervously than before. "Wait why can't you pay it Levy?" Erza asked with a smirk as she waked closer to Levy.

"I haven't been on a job in a while." Levy said. "I mean Gajeel hasn't asked me to go on one with him at all in a while." Levy stated as she backed up from Erza. "Oh so you have to go with GAJEEL to go on a mission?" Erza said still smirking.

"NO!" "Its nothing like that its just that... um I'm to weak to go on one by myself." Levy answered. "So what do you do with GAJEEL alone on a trip?" Erza asked sneakily. "WE don't go on the trip alone PantherLily comes too although he goes to bed early and leaves the TWO of us up." Levy said as Lucy looked sadly at her friend in a bad situation. "What do you and GAJEEL do alone once PantherLily is sleep then?"

"OK!" Levy started to scream. "I'm so sorry Erza just stop you don't have to pay!" Levy said as she backed up so hard that she hit the wall, slid down it, and curled up in a little ball crying trying to calm herself down.

Erza turned around and walked to the other nervous girls standing behind them. "Do any of you think I should pay?" Erza asked with a smirk. "Yes, I actually do Erza I have no lovey dovey feelings so I shall speak." Carla said bravely. "You have plenty of money to pay for the bottles." Carla said confidently.

"Oh really?" Erza said as she walked behind Carla and started to walk forward causing her to go the direction of Levy.

A/N Sorry but this is where it ends ....... for now anyway gonna have some chocolate milk! Also I need to see if we have cookies!

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