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2: Is he going insane?

Things did not make sense in the morning. By the time Jisung finally woke up, it definitely wasn’t even morning anymore. The light was hitting the floor at an angle that meant more midday than eight am.

It took Jisung embarrassingly long to remember where he was, considering that his own home looked nothing like the elegant, minimalist decorated house the hot monk had led him into. All the dark wood and flowy curtains gave an air of sophistication.

In his apartment with Yeji and Hyunjin, his room was cramped and messy, and the frame of his bed was always creaking. The bed he was lying on was carved from wood and probably cost more than Jisung’s tuition.

It took a while for his brain to turn on, but by the time he was squinting at the ceiling last night was already back on his mind. In the clear daylight, it felt like a fever dream. No matter; this was the first time in ages he’d gotten a good amount of sleep, so there would definitely be an improvement in his cognitive skills.

Had he actually blacked out for a while and accidentally travelled somewhere far? Brains could do weird shit when you slept too little. Yeji had told him about sleep deprivation once, when he was certain he saw Hyunjin, his best friend and Yeji's elder brother, on the other side of the street staring at him while he waited for the bus. At the time, Hyunjin was in Daegu, not Seoul.

Anyway, Jisung was in a non-monastery with an extremely attractive non-monk, and if he wanted to avoid punishment, he should probably begin with his grand escape plan. Which this not-monastery seemed eager to give him.

Jisung dragged himself up and glanced at the window, wondering if he could still manage to sneak out. The tiniest twinge of guilt gnawed at his chest. The man had, after all, helped him, so should he really pay it back with that kind of stunt?

Just in time to hear a knock on the door. He quickly straightened his clothes, giving a long look at the robes neatly folded on the table next to his bed. The man had brought them without a word, and by context, Jisung could figure they were meant to be worn. He would not wear limb-covering clothes in this weather.

“Are you decent?” asked a familiar voice from the other side of the door.

“Sure,” replied Jisung.

The door opened, then shut with a heavy thud after a devious, pointed glance. That probably should not have made Jisung laugh.

“Lying is forbidden,” came the warning.

Sighing, Jisung pulled a robe over his current clothing. It was a little too big for him, but he could feel the material was higher quality than he’d ever worn before. It was white, obviously borrowed from the man’s personal closet, and detailed in blue embroidery.

There were two other robes as well, probably to go under or over. Jisung was sure one was enough, and if not, he would just bear the scorn. The heat was less easy to tolerate than the cold glare of his handsome savior.

“Okay, I’m clothed now,” Jisung called out. This time, when the door opened, Jisung was ready. Or so he thought. The unfamiliar man, when he stepped in, was wearing a kind smile on his face. His jaw dropped.

“Wow you are built!” Jisung gasped. The delight was quickly squashed, as another man stepped after the first one, piercing him with a familiar glare.

“Lying is forbidden,” The man hissed, and the other one, his twin perhaps, looked like he was stifling his amusement. “Dress properly.”

“Aw come on! I don’t think I can wear it anymore!” Jisung couldn’t help throwing his hands up in exasperation. “You can’t even see any skin!”

The man kept glaring, but the other one stepped a little closer, smiling formaly. “It would indeed be better if Young Master could wear the appropriate layers. Us Lees’ are particularly strict when it comes to matters of propriety.” Jisung mouthed the words ‘young master’, his mind momentarily short circuit.

He thought back about the ‘clan’ thing, wondering if he’d actually really gotten mixed in with some kind of a cult. Better act like an obedient kid.

Jisung bowed slightly, saying, “Yeah, okay, I’ll put on the robes. Don’t want to shock any, uh, Lee I guess? Oh, and just call me Jisung.”

This caused both of the men to blink and stare at him. Jisung sensed that he had made a mistake once more, and when the man's smile became slightly artificial, it confirmed his suspicions.

“I’m honoured. This one is Lee Chan Hwajun, courtesy name Chan,” he said, bowing back. “My brother here is Lee Minho Hagwan, courtesy name Minho.”

Jisung laughed. “What, no way! Titles? Courtesy names? Are your parents very traditional? Okay then my full name is Han Jisung, no titles though. Lol!"

He was met with silence, which became too awkward for him. But before Jisung could disturb the silence with nonsense chatter, Chan turned to his brother.

"I understand what you meant, Minho. Very curious, indeed,” he then asked Jisung. “You do not have a courtesy name?”

“No, I’m just Jisung. I am originally from Incheon and have recently moved to Seoul… a year ago. A business major depressed over assignments! Lol! ”

The pause was long as the brothers digested his words.

“A business...major. Merchant, then?” asked Chan, voice was unsure.

Jisung let out a burst of laughter at that. “Merchant! Oh, I love that. It sounds more like I am learning how to be a modest little tea vendor than a cog in the capitalist system.” He exclaimed turning to the side to pick up the layer of clothes and started wearing them.

It felt surprisingly better in the end to have another layer of cloth on top of it. After all, it was a thin, silky piece of material. Pulling on the third one, Jisung turned back to face Chan and Minho, who were now exchanging blank looks and seemingly incoherent words.

“What's the matter? Oh ! Do you guys want any business advice? Unfortunately, I am still learning and am not an expert in business. Speaking of which, could you please give me the punishment now so that I can leave? I have deadlines to meet." Jisung felt uneasy as the men's gaze returned to him.

“Master Jisung, you mentioned you are from a place called Seoul. Which sect rules over that area?" Asked Chan.

Jisung blankly stared. He could not even start to comprehend that question. “The government, I guess? What do you mean, which sect?”

The brothers exchanged a glance at each other again. There was a sense of dread, as if the brothers were seeing something he wasn't, that he was not a part of whatever was going on, and it made him uncomfortable.

With a kind expression in his eyes, Chan—clearly the friendlier of the two—turned back to face him. “Would you perhaps answer a few questions, Master Jisung?”

Jisung frowned. “Sure.”

“You live in Korea.” This was phrased like a statement, but Jisung nodded anyway.


“Who is the emperor?”

Jisung wanted to ask if that was a joke, but the brothers didn’t seem like the type to goof around at a moment like this. Or ever.

"We have a president... yeah we do? Sunjong was the last emperor, about a hundred years before the Japanese invasion, but wait…was that a trick question? Are you trying to see if I am crazy?”

Yep, that was definitely a concern in the kind eyes of Chan.

“I think we will need to relay this to Uncle,” Chan said to his brother. “Minho, will you...”

Minho nodded, then turned his eyes to Jisung who fell captivated with the golden hue on the handsome’s eyes. Chan left without another word, leaving the two of them alone.

"Do not be alarmed.” Minho assured him sternly. Despite his best efforts, Jisung was unable to shake the sensation that his heart was about to burst.

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