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3: what in the world?

“Where are you going?” Minho asked and no matter how fast Jisung walked down the path Minho was still able to catch up with him.

Jisung glanced around the architecture of what Minho mentioned was the “main hall”. It has traditional Korean architecture with gently curved eaves, intricate dancheong or multicoloured paintwork on wooden buildings, and elegant red pillars.

The path Jisung was walking on led outside the building and he let out a gasp. There are ponds that are filled with blooming lotus flowers of various colours, creating a serene and enchanting environment.

The ponds are interconnected with small wooden bridges or neowoodari and stone pathways. The sound of flowing water can be heard throughout the area, providing a soothing background noise.

“What is it?'' asked Minho, getting alert with Jisung’s immediate change in behaviour. Jisung turned around looking at him in disbelief.

“Well, seeing this all around I can’t help but think how much you guys are getting invested to build this type of building on top of the mountain only for a cult? Hahaha this was fun! See I enjoyed the cult so I’m going back to my home. Hope you insane people don’t prank someone who got lost.” Jisung said, his hands were shaking. The plastic bag– full of energy drinks– rustled against him and his stupid, stupid robes.

“Jisung, the world down this mountain is not the one you came from. You may get hurt.”

Jisung paused, his grasp on the handle of the plastic back tightening. His heart wanted to leap out of his chest. "Is this what you tell folks to keep them from leaving? Is this really a strange cult? Am I being brainwashed right now? Tell me you don't really think I'll trust you after that talk about magic things?” Minho didn't utter anything as he immediately bowed to the person behind Jisung who was judging the new visitor sharpley.

Jisung turned around, gulping when he saw an elderly man with white hair and a long beard. That’s when he noticed, everyone around here has long hair like some historical drama.

“Wow you guys have an elderly person to lead the cult? Theatrical appearance indeed. Where is the drum roll sound to give the audience like me an effect of watching such plays?”

“We are sorry for you being lost in an unknown world. Our library holds great amounts of knowledge, however. I’m sure we will find an answer.” Minho had mentioned his brother was a sect leader, which made him important. Therefore Jisung didn't resort back in protest.

“Okay then. Thanks for letting me hang around in the meantime.”

The smile on Chan’s face seemed genuine. “Of course. Helping in these kinds of situations is our duty as cultivators.” Jisung was frankly pretty relieved once Uncle Jin-young and Chan left. The entire day had him emotionally drained. He was generally good at adapting, and things did not bother him when they were specifically affecting himself.

However, it had been quite some time. And it had been an even longer thirteen months. So the whole incident of accidentally finding himself in a cultivation world full of demons, monsters, and sect business was a breaking point for him.

He therefore did not mind at all that the rude old man had left him alone with Chan. Although Chan appeared helpful and kind, there was a wall of politeness that formed a familiar barrier that he was well acquainted with from his early years spent in the social circle of wealthy children. He’d felt every forced courtesy back then.

Minho refused to hide behind courtesy. No, whenever Jisung was able to break Minho out of his cool persona, the guy was openly irritated and perplexed by him. It was funny and refreshingly honest. This, combined with the fact that Minho was the coldest, least expressive ice statue of a person, made him feel as though the entire situation was a challenge.

Accidentally crossing dimensions was something out of the box situation but dealing with a hot person who was exasperated by Jisung was a challenge.

And challenges were a great way to keep his mind from going into self-destruct mode.

“So…” Jisung started,“We are alone, just the two of us. You want to do something fun?” Jisung laughed when Minho failed to provide a dignified response. Instead, he turned around, walking away from the location with Jisung following behind, annoying Minho with words, which Jisung found quite entertaining.

Jisung was amazed as they entered what appeared to be a library. He snapped out of his thoughts and began making comments.

“Let's chill with the energy drinks I brought from… the uh future? Another dimension? Whatever place or theory it is.”

Minho did not respond, but instead moved to a shelf and took out a heavy book. Although, with the grace and dignity of an immortal, as Minho appeared to be, the walking was more like gliding, and the pulling the book was more like having the book levitate into his hand.

Minho settled at a wooden desk, opening the book from the very start. “Sit,” the man said, and sounded very hot and authoritative, so Jisung did. Placing the bag on the table but it only took Minho’s one sharp glance for Jisung to place it on the ground.

“What’s this?” Jisung asked, trying to read the words only to fail miserably.

“It is a rule book,” Minho confirmed, turning it around for Jisung to see. “Of our clan. Start copying from the first page.”

“...what? The entire book?”

“Yes,” Minho said. “This is your punishment for breaking through wards after sunset. Like I said, after your punishment, you will be free to go.”

“What? You can’t be serious! Minho, I will die! Do you know from the place I was from no one even writes with a brush anymore? Or even with a pen? We have keyboards!" Jisung whined. “How many rules are even in here? There is no way anyone could live with all of this!"

“Basic punishment. Three thousand times,” Minho replied. “What is a keyboard?”

“You know what? I’m not going to tell you.”

“That is fine.”

Jisung huffed, but took the brush and paper that were placed in front of him. So, this was practically like free calligraphy practice. With your friendly, other-reality old-timey cultivator.

He wished that later there would be more hands-on studying. If he had not been sitting next to the most handsome, most disinterested man in the world, Jisung would have thrown the sheets on his face and fled, yelling a loud 'fuck you'.

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