LMB 44

228 28 14

44: Lessons.

The morning sun streamed through the curtains, casting a warm glow across the room. Jisung and Minho sat cross-legged on the floor, a multitude of objects spread out around them. Jisung had gathered everything he could think of to help Minho understand this new world he found himself in.

Jisung picked up a smartphone and handed it to Minho, watching as he examined it with a mix of curiosity and apprehension. "So, this is a smartphone," Jisung began. "It's like a little computer you can carry around in your pocket. You can use it to call people, send messages, take pictures, and even look up information on the internet."

Minho turned the device over in his hands, his brow furrowed in concentration. "The internet... that’s the vast network of knowledge you mentioned?"

"Exactly!" Jisung beamed, glad to see Minho's interest piqued. "It's like a library that you can access anytime, anywhere."

Minho nodded slowly, though his gaze remained wary. "And these... vehicles," he gestured vaguely towards the window, where the sounds of early morning traffic were faintly audible, "they transport people quickly, yes?"

"Yup, they're called cars. They run on engines powered by fuel. Pretty handy, huh?"

Minho seemed less convinced about the convenience and more concerned about the sheer number of them. "It seems... dangerous."

Jisung chuckled. "It can be, but people get used to it. There are rules and systems in place to keep everyone safe."

As they continued their impromptu lesson, Jisung picked up a small remote control and turned on the television. The screen flickered to life, displaying a morning news program. Minho's eyes widened slightly as he watched the vivid images.

"This is a television," Jisung explained. "It can show you videos and programs about anything—news, entertainment, education."

Minho watched the screen intently, the sounds and images a stark contrast to anything he had known. "This... is remarkable," he said softly. "A window to the world, yet within a box."

Jisung smiled, pleased with Minho's fascination. "Yeah, it kind of is. You can learn a lot from it, but it's also just fun to watch sometimes."

Minho's attention shifted to a laptop Jisung had set up on the floor. Jisung opened it and began typing, showing Minho how to navigate the internet. "This is Google," he explained. "You can type in any question you have, and it will find answers for you."

Minho leaned closer, his eyes narrowing as he watched the screen. "So much knowledge at one's fingertips... it is overwhelming."

Jisung reached out, gently placing a hand on Minho's arm. "I know it's a lot to take in. But you don't have to learn everything at once. Just take it step by step."

Minho nodded, his shoulders relaxing slightly. "Your world is... complex. But I am grateful for your guidance."

Jisung's heart warmed at Minho's words. He stood up and moved to the closet, pulling out a few items of clothing. "Here, let me show you something else. These are modern clothes. You don't have to wear them if you don't want to, but they might be more comfortable for blending in outside."

Minho took the offered clothes, inspecting them with a mixture of curiosity and skepticism. "They are... different from what I am used to."

Jisung laughed. "Yeah, I figured. But they can be pretty comfy. Give them a try?"

After a moment's hesitation, Minho nodded. "Very well."

While Minho changed, Jisung continued explaining other aspects of modern life, from the importance of hygiene products to the concept of money and banking. Minho absorbed it all with the diligence of a scholar, though Jisung could tell it was a lot for him to process.

When Minho emerged from the bathroom in his new clothes, Jisung couldn't help but smile. The jeans and T-shirt suited him surprisingly well, though Minho still seemed a bit uncomfortable.

"You look great," Jisung said, giving him a reassuring nod. "Now, are you ready to head outside and see it all in action?"

Minho took a deep breath, squaring his shoulders. "Yes. I am ready."

Jisung reached out, taking Minho's hand in his own. "Hey, I know this is all a lot to take in. But you're doing great. And you're not alone. We're in this together, okay?"

Minho looked down at their joined hands, then back up at Jisung. The gratitude and warmth in his eyes spoke volumes. "Thank you, Jisung. Your world is... overwhelming. But with you, I feel... more at ease."

Jisung smiled, squeezing Minho's hand gently. "Let's go, then."

As they stepped out of the room and into the bustling streets, Jisung continued to explain the intricacies of modern life, answering Minho’s questions with patience and humor. And Minho, though still out of his element, found comfort in Jisung’s presence, in the way he made the unfamiliar seem less daunting.

Together, they navigated the chaos of the modern world, finding solace in each other amidst the noise and rush of the city. And as they walked hand in hand, Jisung couldn’t help but feel that, despite the differences in their origins, they were exactly where they were meant to be.

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