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4: Create a rule for how to breath then!

“Do not rise after five in the morning.” Jisung recited the rule and  groaned from under the blankets, refusing to come out of his comfort zone. “It says so in the rule book. It's already past five– I will not rise and break the rule.”

“You are deliberately misunderstanding the rules,” Minho stated, the heartless man.

“Do not make assumptions.” Jisung countered, clenching his blankets tightly when he felt the latter trying to take it away from him. “Ah! Stop grabbing my blankets!”

There was a sound that might’ve been a soft sigh. “Breakfast is being served. Yours will get cold.” He was met with silence. Jisung looked from the blankets and saw Minho nowhere.He pressed his face into the pillow, a moan of agony pushed into the fabric.

He’d gone to bed with the smallest hope of waking up on his own couch but no luck. He wanted to cry, but that was starting to become difficult as well. Jisung wasn’t really one to give up easily considering that his entire life so far had been nothing but getting his ankles broken and continuing walking.

Minho was waiting at the table when Jisung finally dragged himself out of the room, robes a little loose but on all the same. He yawned loudly, stretched, ignored the devastatingly cold look Minho sent his way.

Despite looking that way, wasn’t he just a little bit softhearted for letting a stranger camp out in his personal place? Jisung could’ve been a thief. Or a murderer. Then again, Minho had magic and, uh, those shoulders. And, like, a few inches on him. So he probably wasn’t seriously worried about him being a threat.

“Do not slouch,” Minho corrected immediately after Jisung settled down to eat.

“Damn Minho, I’m putting all of my effort into not falling over. I’m never up this early. I mean, I’ve often been up this late, but this would normally be the time my roommate would force me to sleep.” Jisung eyed the food in front of him. Yesterday it had become evident that these people did not, in fact, know about the existence of spices, or the enjoyment one could get out of food. It seemed his long lecture about Korean pepper had not been received appropriately.

“No talking while eating,” Minho said, and this was one other thing that Jisung had definitely not agreed on.

Still, he’d learned that Minho would not react to anything he said no matter how he tried while they ate. It was honestly impressive. Although, now that Jisung thought about it, Minho didn’t seem to react to anything much at all. He clearly wasn’t a talkative man by nature, and the rules enforced here probably didn’t help with that.

Jisung decided to start the day without giving Minho a reason to kick him out just yet. He didn’t quite manage to be completely silent for the entire duration of the meal, but he did pretty well in his own estimation.

Half an hour later Minho had only reminded him of the rules twice.

“You know, this is the first time in...” Jisung squinted. “My entire life, probably, that I’ve slept and eaten according to health books for more than a day. This is such an achievement Han Jisung!” He exclaimed, patting himself.

Minho didn’t look at him, gathering the empty dishes on a tray.

“Yeji – my girl roommate – keeps nagging me about it. Like, ‘please eat a carrot, Jisung. You won’t live to see your thirties if you don’t stop pulling all-nighters like this, Jisung. Do not eat that rice cake, holy shit, it’s growing mould, are you stupid, Jisung’. You know, doctor stuff.”

This earned him a blank stare with a kind of concerned tilt of an eyebrow.

“Oh, she’s in medical school. Like, to make people not sick. Healing and such,” Jisung said, and immediately got the vibe that Minho was somehow judging him again.

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