LMB 43

244 32 47

43: A tale about love.

The morning was an experience.

Hyunjin had left early for work, poor thing, and left a note that plainly expressed that if Jisung wasn't in the apartment once he came back, he'd kill him. Despite the warning, he also left a bit of money for them to go get some food.

That was the easy part of the morning. The only easy part. Reading the note.

The rest wasn't difficult, but it was definitely something. He took a shower with actual shampoo and conditioner, which was great after a year of oils, washnut and handmade soaps. Luxury, that. Minho wouldn't come with him to the shower, and instead just stood there in front of the window and stared out at the city, now awake and bubbling with life.

When Jisung put on his normal clothes - black jeans and a red long-sleeved shirt, mindful of his traditionalistic man - he could hear how the sounds carried from the outside, muffled but still there. Cars passing, people talking. The neighbours were playing pop music.

Minho looked very neutral watching all of it, and when asked, merely stated that everything seemed 'interesting.'

The shower was a fun thing to explain to Minho, but instead of any kind of nervous breakdown or discomfort, it seemed that he found it quite an acceptable substitute for a bathtub.

"Where does the water come from?"

"Pipes. They're in the walls, it's a whole system," Jisung explained. "Do you want to borrow some of my clothes?"

Minho's eyes travelled over his form, expression familiarly judging. Only now Jisung could perhaps distinguish some heat in that gaze.

He tried very hard to not get hung up on the implications of that.

"Right, 'indecent!' Well, you know what, I won't take you out with me if we don't get you some regular clothes."


"They can be very loose and flowy as well, you know. But people will definitely stare at you if you wear your usual clothes, and I know you wouldn't like that."

Jisung did not mention that Minho would get stared at regardless. For being a God among men. Gorgeous. Handsome. Carved out of jade.

His boyfriend.

Minho evicted him out of the bathroom, then, Jisung went and found the loosest shirt and longest pair of pants he owned and left them before the door for Minho to wear.

He didn't really own anything white, so fifteen minutes later he had Minho in a shirt that was definitely stretching a little at his biceps and chest, and pants that were only just long enough to not look completely ridiculous.

Minho looked really hot, of course. He always did. And black was a colour that flatters everyone.

So Jisung had to go and drink two glasses of water to distract himself from the glaring, uncomfortable-looking man that probably felt pretty naked with his attire and also kept looking at Jisung with a very meaningful gaze, and Jisung felt kind of too hot over it.

Anyway, Jisung made them morning tea, which he now knew how to make a lot better. Minho was definitely not in with the whole 'teabag' thing, but he let Jisung prepare the tea for him anyway, no matter how suspiciously he stared at the wet lump after it was done brewing.

"So!" Jisung said after they were both seated down with their cups, Jisung's shaped like a cat with cute porcelain ears and all, and Minho's a gift from Felix, a red mug with a text in English, 'World's Okayest Brother.'

Jisung wasn't going to translate that for him.

"So," he repeated. "We are... we are, like, in love."

Minho's look at this was very earnest. Jisung felt himself blushing.

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