11' Cake & Candles

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I decided on staying home today. This will be the second day in a row..

My mom thinks I'm not feeling well but what she don't know won't hurt her.

I'm feeling better about me and Rome. I've realized he's not anything I'm missing out on anyways: Sneaky, deceitful, uncommunicative, lying, weed fiend, no good, ass nigga. And he not even a nigga!

I just can't help but think about our date not even a week ago. All the affection he was drowning me in, the energy I was feeling, the nicknames. I don't know who he was that night or where he went that night but I want that Rome.

That's the Rome I want. I need. I long for.

Melody tells me to block him but a small part of me holds hope that he'll just text me and tell me how sorry he is. How he didn't mean it and he'll never hurt my feelings again.

But my mind has to keep reminding my heart that the chances of that are non existent. This isn't a fairytale or some Wattpad story. This is real life and boys just don't act like that. You'd have to be one lucky girl to find one who does, I sure thought I was.

My phone vibrates under the pillow I'm laying on and I close my eyes, grabbing it and seeing Gio notified me anyways.

'Come outside rq' Catches my attention and I get up, looking out the window to see a grey Ford parked out front.

When I get done throwing some clothes on and making my bun look decent, I make my way downstairs.

"Where you goin'?" My mother asks from the couch.

"Not far. Just outside I'ma be right here." I explain and she nods her head giving me permission. I unlock the door, stepping out and I see Gio leaning on the banister texting on his phone. Due to the sound of the door his head rises.

"Hey.." I greet him softly.

"Wassup Aiya." He holds his arms out and we embrace in a hug. A long hug. A long, needed hug. I close my eyes and enjoy the much needed moment until we pull apart.

"How you feelin'?" He says in concern and I shrug.

"I mean I'm alright. I'm sure you know about me and Rome but I swear I'm okay. We weren't together anyways." I try my best to seem like I don't care but I doubt he believes it.

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