25' I love Aiya

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I pull into the gas station, kissing my teeth when I see all the pumps in use. So I wait a little until I see someone pulling out of theirs and pull up to it.

Putting the car in park I pull my wallet out of my pocket and take out forty dollars. I shake my head, and get out making my way into the store, turning around about three times to make sure I have the right number. Pump five.

When I get in the store I walk around, grabbing an iced tea Arizona, some hot chips, and a Slim-Jim. As I'm standing in line I see some girls looking at me from the line next to me.

I try not to look their way so they don't get the wrong message and pull my phone out. They not ugly or anything, just not better than what I have now.

After aimlessly scrolling on Twitter and through people's Instagram stories, it's my turn to step up to the counter.

While setting everything onto the counter I look up at the man behind the glass.

"And twenty-five on pump five." I say while waiting for the total and hear the girls squeal and laugh.

"Thirty-two twenty." He says with a heavy Arabic accent. I separate the money and place it on the counter.

He takes it as I slip the rest of the money into my pocket. He's bagging my stuff up and I hear the girls laughing and shit again as they're about to leave the store.

"She said you look good!" I hear and glance over at the entrance from my peripheral but look away and take my bag.

"Thank you, keep the change." I shake my head and he nods.

"Thank you my friend. Next!" He says as I leave.

While getting back to my car I see all the people kickin' it and listening to their loud ass music. It's forty something degrees outside go the fuck home.

I'm leaning on my car waiting for the gas to finish and feel a cold breeze pass, my shoulders hunch at the cold feeling in my ears.

"Ouuu you fine baby, the niggas outside today!" Yeah I wish I was fucking inside, but I got money to make so.

When I finally get back into my car I pull my phone out and start my music 'Clave Ali' by Junior H starts and I scroll over to Instagram to see who all replied to my story for some weed.

When I find two people who stay in the same area I let them know I'll be on my way and start my route.

                          𝟷𝟻 𝙼𝙸𝙽𝚄𝚃𝙴𝚂 𝙻𝙰𝚃𝙴𝚁

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