21' Chaos

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I walk into my room and flop down onto my bed. What a fucking day.

I've been working for about a week and some change now. And boy is work working. Whatever that means, I really don't know.

The job isn't hard honestly I'm just there all day. Making coffee, tea, refreshers, serving food, and all that extra bull shit. And I never sit down, people come in and out of that spot all fucking day.

My mom loves it, she think this a damn joke, girl no! I'm practically a slave, where're the reparations??

Pulling my clothes off I toss them over to my hamper and search for some new ones.

When I get everything together for my shower I head to the bathroom to finally relax after what feels like forever after today.

Then I gotta do it all again tomorrow.


A groan escapes my lips at the agitating sound of my iPhone alarm waking me up on a Saturday. What is life?

After laying in bed for a while I climb out of the blankets and stretch. I grab some black flare leggings, a sweater, and my uniform hat and apron. Look like a damn fool.
It is a little cute though.

I slip into my Ugg's after pulling my socks on. I then head to the bathroom to brush my teeth and complete my other hygienic care. After that I pull my braids into a low ponytail. I need this shit done.

After sighing and turning the bathroom light off I walk out and go back into my room to check the time.

Seven-ten. I grab my work essentials and stuff them into my Marc Jacobs tote bag. I grab my white North Face and pull it onto myself then sling the bag over my shoulder and grab my phone.

When I get downstairs I walk over to the counter where I see my mom's car keys and a bag with a note, I tilt my head to read it as my hand hovers over the keys.

Proud of you baby, Hope you have a good day at work. I saved you some leftovers for your lunch,

-Love you my Lei Bae.

A smile creeps onto my face when I finish reading it. I pick up the keys and grab the bag, heading for the door.

I make it outside and get into the driver's side, placing my bag on the passenger seat and starting the car up.

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