22 - Serious

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I lay on top of Chris as we continued to kiss, this was happening, this was going to happen. We were sober and we were both willing to let this happen. We had been flirting over facetimes, we had been acting like the old us again, everything felt right.

Chris using all the new strength he had from the Captain America roll he sat us both up, me straddling his lap and we continued to make out. He moved his lips from mine, down to my neck, I turned my head to give him more access. He found the sweet spot right below my ear and I moaned as he gently kissed there.

Instinctively I started moving my hips back and forth. It was by habit that I did this, I heard Chris growl in my ear and then work his way back up to my lips. He wrapped his arms around me, holding me to him as he pulled his lips away from mine.

"Frankie...wait...we need to stop for a second." Chris said and I just looked at him.

"What? Why?" I asked.

"I need to know what's going on, what this means, where we are?" Chris asked.

"Well we are on my couch making out with me on your lap." I said and tried to kiss him again but he pulled back.

"Frankie, seriously stop for a second. We need to talk." Chris said. I groaned and went to get off his lap. "Why are you trying to get off of me?" Chris asked.

"Because you would rather talk than make out with me...why would I sit here?" I replied. I kept trying to struggle to get down. "This was much easier when you were younger and not so strong!" I groaned. Chris wasn't even trying to hold me tight. "Stupid Captain America muscles." I grumbled.

"You done?" Chris asked as I gave up struggling.

I smacked his bicep, "Now I'm done." I said.

"I feel like I should say something about that...ow?" Chris questioned and we laughed.

"You know it hurt." I said and Chris sighed.

"Frankie, I just need to know what this all mean to you? I mean I know what I want it to mean to me..." Chris said.

"Chris for the last 7 months when you have been away we have been talking, we have been flirting, we have been pushing the limits of friendship. I don't know exactly what you want and in return I think I know what I want but with our past..."

"I know you're scared and you have every right to be scared. You've been hurt in the past and that hurt was caused by me. I never want to hurt you again. When I hurt you before it was because I was an idiot and I know I can't go back and fix it but what I do know is that I am older now and not as stupid. I want to be with you Frankie and if you want to be with me I promise I will never hurt you again. I will do anything I can to make this right." Chris pleaded with me and I gave a small smile as tears filled my eyes.

"Chris when you left me at my aunts in the driveway, I went inside the house, leaned against the closed door and just cried. You broke me and maybe I held on to the pain for too long but it was my way of dealing. I didn't want to let you go no matter how much you hurt me. It was like you were in my heart and I knew if I got rid of you everything would fall apart. I never wanted to let you go, you were everything to me Chris even after you hurt me. I kept hoping you would come back into my life and say you made a mistake but you never did." I explained.

"There was a time I used to drive past the house or go to local open mic nights in hopes I would hear you or even just see you. I missed you so much but I had talked to Ma and all she told me was your parents said we went our separate ways and were too busy to see each other. I thought you had moved on and then I saw you at that party with the song clearly about me. I was fighting with myself about coming to talk to you then Chad showed up so I left..." Chris trailed off clearly still having some distain towards Chad.

"What are you saying Chris?" I asked wanting to get it out of him.

"I loved you when I dropped you off at your aunts house and I still love you now!" Chris rushed out. I just looked at him. I lifted my hands from his shoulders and cupped his cheeks.

"I have loved you since we were seniors in high school." I said, Chris smiled. I leaned down and passionately kissed Chris as his grip on me got a little tighter. I smiled when we broke apart.

"So are we trying this again?" Chris asked and I nodded.

"I want to, I really do but please be understanding if there are times I'm apprehensive or scared or maybe just jump to a conclusion. There is a lot of baggage coming along with this." I said and Chris nodded.

"Hey, I get it and I'm here. I won't be running away. I'm with you Frankie." Chris said. I wrapped my arms around his midsection and just hugged him. He held me in his arm and I gave a small laugh. "What?" Chris asked.

"The Captain America muscles are good for something..." I said and he laughed and just kissed the top of my head.

I laid with my head on his chest, with a smile on my face. Was I scared this could all blow up in my face? Very much so. If it happened again I don't know if I would ever be able to come back from it.

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