Character's Sketch

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Azlan khan
Age: 29
Profession: Ceo of Khan's group of technology

Meet Azlan khan, a formidable force wrapped in the guise of a man. With piercing eyes that hold a glint of calculated ruthlessness, Azlan commands attention wherever he strides. His demeanor exudes an aura of unwavering confidence, unapologetically asserting his dominance in any situation. Azlan's strength isn't just physical; it resides in his sharp intellect and strategic prowess, always several steps ahead of his rivals. Beneath his stoic facade lies a complex psyche, forged by a past riddled with challenges and betrayals, molding him into the formidable figure he is today. Despite his ruthless reputation, there are moments when glimpses of vulnerable is ability surface, hinting at the humanity buried deep within his hardened exterior. Yet, Azlan remains a force to be reckoned with, a formidable presence in any narrative he graces with his presence.

"Respect is commanded, fear is earned. I have both."


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