A Coincidence?

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Author's POV

Half of the day had passed. Now Noor, Haya and Maha departed from the hospital to the 5 star restaurant for Haya's birthday bash.

They all are every excited for her birthday bash.
They are laughing, gossiping and hitting eachother in excitement.

If favourite place would be favourite person. So both Haya and Noor are Maha's favourite place. Her favourite people. When they are with her at any place, then that place become her favourite place.

She love both of them. They both are more than sisters to her. Whenever she is with them, she forget everything that bothers her. She feel at ease with them.

Whatever had happened with Maha this morning. She forget about everything. She don't wanna ruin Haya's birthday because of her.

Currently, they are outside of the restaurant. They all are very excited of Haya.

Haya and Noor went inside the restaurant but Maha is still outside.

She talking with someone on her phone. After ending the call she stepped forward inside the restaurant.

She was moving inside while keeping the phone in her bag. Her gaze is downwards.

Suddenly she collided with someone and her phone fell on ground. She immediately went down on her kneels to pick up her phone.

The man with whom she collided bent down to pick the phone while she is already on her knees.

But as soon as she could pick up her phone. The man picked her phone. They both are kneeling. Both of them was looking at the phone in silence.

"Watch where you're going," he barked, his tone was harsh. But as he looked up, his words faltered.

Her eyes, deep and mesmerizing, held a softness that struck him.

Maha, taken aback by his tone but seeing the brief flicker of surprise in his eyes, took her phone and murmured, "I'm sorry. I should have been more careful."

Him, still kneeling, found himself lost in her beauty. "No, it's my fault," he said, his voice softening unexpectedly. "Are you okay?"

Maha nodded, tucking a stray lock of hair behind her ear. "Yes, I'm fine. Thank you for picking up my phone."

As she turned to leave, He couldn't let her go just yet. "Wait," he called out, standing up. "Let me make it up to you. How about a coffee sometime?"

Maha is surprised by his sudden change in demeanor, looked at him with curiosity. "I don't even know your name."

"Amir, Amir Siddiqui" he said, extending his hand. "And you?"

"Maha, Maha Sheikh" she replied, shaking his hand gently. "Thank you for the offer but I have to go. My friends are waiting for me".

With that she walked away.

Amir's hardened exterior began to crack. He watched her go, admiration and something deeper stirring within him. For the first time in a long while, he felt a glimmer of hope.


Inside the restaurant

Haya and Noor was waiting for Maha. They have ordered the food as they trio has already discussed what are they going to eat at restaurant.

Maha came and sit besides Noor.

"Where have you been Maha?" Noor asked Maha.

"I collided with someone at the entrance." Maha said to Noor.

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