Mind or heart?

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Azlan's pov

Zara was very tensed because of me. My hand was continuously bleeding. The Pieces of glass were digged in my wrist and palm.

I'll be an idiot if I would say that it is not painful. Yeah it is painful.

We reached at the hospital. I and zara got out from the car and move ahead inside the hospital.

Zara was crying and shouting. I hold on to her arm and through my eyes I told her to not shout at hospital.

But then my gaze moved on someone.
Koi jo jaan kar bhi anjaan tha.

Almost after 12 years I saw her. Her eyes, beautiful captivating eyes met with mine. We both were staring into each other soul.

She stood gracefully, draped in a stunning white suit. The fabric hugged her slender frame, cascading down in soft, flowing waves.

Her dark hair, in contrast to the pristine white, fell in loose curls around her shoulders, framing a face that could rival the loveliest of dawns.

Her Large, beautiful captivating eyes, expressive eyes, like pools of liquid night, held a quiet strength and an unspoken depth.

The delicate lines of her collarbone and the soft glow of her complexion added to the ethereal beauty that made her appear almost otherworldly, like a vision from a poet's dream.

In her white attire, she was more than just beautiful, she was a living embodiment of purity and grace, a timeless beauty that seemed to transcend the ordinary and touch the very essence of the sublime.

But as soon as I remember about her family. The false allegations they made on my father. Because of which we were shattered. Because of which my family suffered.


My eyes burned with a fire that could melt steel, each muscle in my jaw clenched so tightly it seemed ready to snap.

My breath came in sharp, ragged bursts, and my fists were curled into white-knuckled balls at my sides.

She is none another than the daughter of our enemy. MAHA SHEIKH!!


Maha's POV

I saw him.

Mr. Azlan Khan.

After 12 years I saw him. His brown hazel orbs met with mine. We were staring into eachother souls.

His captivating eyes held depths of mystery, while his sculpted physique radiated strength and grace in equal measure.

With brawny arms that seemed sculpted from marble, his broad shoulders commanded attention as they stretched the fabric of his shirt.

His piercing gaze, framed by rugged features, hinted at a quiet intensity, while his confident stride exuded an undeniable aura of strength and power.

Each movement seemed choreographed by divine hands, drawing the gaze of all who beheld him with an irresistible magnetism.

But as soon as I remember about what her father did to me, to my family.

My eyes burned with the intensity of a thousand unspoken words, each one a testament to the hurt I had endured.

The memory of betrayal clung to me like a shadow, darkening the edges of my thoughts.

My hands clenched into fists, nails digging into my palms, a physical manifestation of the pain I felt. The only thing I could feel is hatred.

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