The Promise

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Azlan's POV

After Zayan told me about where she would be, we both left for there.

Right now I am on my way to that under construction building. That building is out from Delhi. It will took 1 hour 30 minutes to reach there. Minimum to minimum 40 minutes.

I am on my car and zayan is coming in his. We both took different car.

"I need to be there as soon as possible, I-i don't even know how she is, what if something has happened to-- no no...this is not true, nothing could happen to her." I murmured to me while my knuckles turned white, my grip on steering tightened

I saw her today, today in the morning, she was treating my wound. She became a doctor. She is an independent woman.

Never I have ever imagined I would see her again, again in my life.

After that incident she left me, she never came back nor there was any sign of where she is.

I missed her care, I missed her senseless talks, I missed her annoyed face, I missed her anger on me, I missed her red hue cheeks that- that because of me, I missed her stubbornness, I missed her being clumsy, I missed her love, I missed her company,



"Maha stop, bhaago mat...ruko maha" I yelled from behind but did she stop? No! She didn't, she is a stubborn sachi main.

"Azlan I will not stop, you have to catch me Azlan" she said to me while smiling ear to ear.

Her long black beautiful hairs are open, waving at me, some of her hairs her falling on her cheeks, kissing her cheeks like they are teasing me for getting a chance to kiss her but I am not. Wind is blowing and so her hairs. Her hairs flowing in the air just like her smell.

Every area of this garden is filled with her smell. I can feel her.

In this moment, the entire garden seemed to transform, as if her presence alone had infused it with a magical aura. The flowers, the trees, even the air around us-it all seemed to smell like her, a delicate blend of jasmine and roses, a scent that was uniquely hers.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"Ughhhhh..even this garden smells like her, just like her."

"Azlaannn..aao naa" she said shouting at me taking me back from my dreamworld.

I slowly, slowly opened my eyes breathing the same air as she is breathing, I could feel her, I could smell her.

And there she is, few inches away from me, waving at me and most important, waiting for me.

She is smiling while looking at me.

Her eyes, most beautiful eyes, most captivating eyes, those eyes will be the reason of my death one day. They held a spark in them. A spark so strong that make me forget all my worries. Whenever I look at into her eyes I got lost in them. Whenever she looked at me, it felt as if time itself had paused, and in those moments, I was lost in the endless depths of her gaze.

Her lips, curved into that enchanting smile, were like petals of a freshly bloomed rose, soft and inviting. Her smile was my haven, a place where I found comfort and joy, a smile that could soothe any pain and brighten any day. The dimples that appeared when she smiled took my breath away every single time. Ufff that dimple of hers. They added a playful charm to her already captivating beauty.

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