Chapter 5

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Author's Note

I'm sooooooo sorry the chapters are so short, but I think that I can make a lot of short chapters every day. Tell me if from here on out I should make the chapters longer or if the chapters are fine.

Hope you enjoy the book!!! :D


Cloverclaw was in a hunting crouch. Slowly inching forward. There it was....

The squirrel.

She had it cornered, no where to go. She could already taste it, the juicy meat and the satisfying crunch of the neck. She moved one more step. Now, Cloverclaw was going to leap.

She counted in her mind '...1.....2.....thre-' "-Hi Cloverclaw."

"Huh?" Cloverclaw's leap was too small, the squirrel saw her, and ran up the closest tree.

"Ugh... I had that one!" Cloverclaw hissed at her brother irratated. "Sorry..." Barkpelt quietly stated, but then again, he was always quiet, so I guess for him it was normal.

"What are you doing here anyway? Aren't you supposed to be on a Dawn patrol?" Cloverclaw asked. "It just finished, I decided to go hunting." he meowed.

Crystalstar padded in on the conversation. "I was going to hunt also. Would you care to join me and Barkpelt, Cloverclaw?" Crystalstar offered. "Okay." Cloverclaw meowed. After they finished hunting they had 3 voles, a pigeon, and 2 mice. "Okay, let's get back to camp." Cloverclaw meowed.

"Wait.! Watch ou-" Cloverclaw stepped on a thorn vine without realizing because she was talking and she letted out a surprised gasp of pain. "-t...." Barkpelt finished, he tried to help her out-"Hey! Quit it! I'm fine!" she protested.

"Fine, but you need to see Cloudfur." he stated.

When they reached the camp he tried to force Cloverclaw into the Medicine Cat den......... it was not working. "Hey! I need to go to the Warriors den!" Cloverclaw hissed. "No. You need to see Cloudfur." he quietly stated. "Nightspirit, can you help me out? Cloverclaw needs to go to Cloudfur and is being stubborn about it." Barkpelt meowed. "Sure." Nightspirit replied, even though he was younger than them he was also taller, so he padded over to Cloverclaw and held her by the scruff, and walked into the Medicine Cat den with Cloverclaw trying to get out of his grip. Finally, she got out of his grip and made a run for it, then bumped into Crystalstar. "Cloverclaw, see Cloudfur. It may not seem bad, but what if it gets infected? Then it would be much worse!" Crystalstar pointed out. "Fine." she stated defeated. Nightspirit guided Cloverclaw to the Medicine Cat den. "Hey Cloudfur-" Nightspirit started but realized that she was not here. His ears flattened from disappointment. But he shook it off before anycat could notice. Cloudfur was not here, but Spottedpaw was here sorting herbs. "Oh, fox-dung! I put the feverfew with the juniper!" the tom mumbled. "Hey Spottedpaw, by any chance can you help Cloverclaw, she has thorns in her pad." Nightspirit meowed. Spottedpaw looked over at her. "Thorns in her pad?" he meowed. "I can pull them out and make sure they weren't poisoned thorns. First let me get a herb in case of infection." Spottedpaw came back with some chervil and dock. And started taking out the thorns. There was no sign of infection. He put a dock leaf on her pad to close up the wound. "Stay in camp until the cuts have closed." Spottedpaw told her. "Thanks." Cloverclaw told him, and both of them padded out of the den.

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