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Leader- Crystalstar: Solid silver she cat with icy blue eyes.     

Apprentice; Darkpaw

Deputy- Snakefang: Solid black tom with green eyes.

Medicine Cat(s)- Cloudfur: Silvery white with emerald green eyes.    

Apprentice; Spottedpaw

Warriors- (Oldest to youngest)

Owlfur:Brown long fur with different shades of brown in a pattern like a owl's, pointy ears, yellow eyes.

Eaglefall: Grey tom with brown tail, pale blue eyes.

Barkpelt: White with black patches, three black paws one white, amber eyes, tom.

Cloverclaw: Dark gingery reddish orange, bushy tail, amber yellow eyes, and a brown clover shape on her forehead, she cat

Nightspirit: Long black fur, sapphire eyes, tom. 

Sunheart: Long golden fur, emerald eyes, she cat. 

Silverheart: Silver she cat with darker silver rings on tail, with icy blue eyes.

Whitetail: Solid white tom with light green eyes.

Frostflight: Solid white silky fur she cat, icy blue eyes, bird-like frame.

Petalpelt: Pale grey with light colored belly and white paws, she cat, yellow eyes.

Ironwing: Pale grey tom, amber eyes.

Specklefoot: Calico she cat, white with orange and black splotches, white eyes. (she is blind)

Rainstep: blue-grey fur she cat, icy blue eyes, a little small for her age, black stripes along her back, legs, and tail.


Spottedpaw: White tom with dark brown flecks, green eyes.

Darkpaw: Black tom with ginger markings, yellow eyes.


Finchtalon: Pale ginger tom, patchy fur, dark green eyes.


Mistyheart: Silvery bluish grey with dark grey stripes, emerald eyes, she cat.  

Kits; Blossomkit, Leapkit, Mothkit


Blossomkit: Brown with darker brown stripes, emerald eyes, she cat.

Cats Outside Clans-

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