Chapter 8

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Specklefoot shivered. "This is my fault, I bumped into him."

"Specklefoot! I know you get scared, but that is just mouse brained! It is not your fault, it is Owlfur's." Spottedpaw told her. "You aren't being bubbly like usual, why don't we go to camp." 

Crystalstar heaved an uncertain sigh, Owlfur will be back. That she knew, and so will the rest of the clan. "Let's get back to camp." she mewed. 

Darkpaw padded into the clearing where he had scented his clan mates, a mouse dangling firmly in his jaws. He saw a weary Crystalstar, a injured Barkpelt, and the shivering Specklefoot. He looked around. "What did I miss?" he mumbled through a mouthful of fur. Crystalstar took a deep breath.  "My most amazing apprentice." Crystalstar meowed sweetly. "I just exiled Owlfur because he lied to me and attacked Barkpelt." Darkpaw blinked. "Wha-?" He looked at Crystalstar, confused. He hadn't been listening. He had been staring at Specklefoot. He felt his ears heat up. The white, orange, and black she cat was very pretty to him. "Uhh..." he shuffled his paws. "Can you repeat that?" An awkward smile spread across his face. 

Specklefoot remained leaning on Spottedpaw, not feeling Darkpaw's stare as she looked blankly at a tree that she could not see. She nuzzled her brother and walked back to camp. Spottedpaw eyed Darkpaw for a moment. He wasn't going to let anycat hurt his sister like Owlfur did to Sunheart. Spottedpaw stalked back to his den and put all the herbs in their groups, pushing them against the wall.

Crystalstar leaped onto Leader's Rock, and yowled "Let all cats old enough to fight, gather beneath me for a clan meeting!" All the cats of the FireClan padded out of their dens and gathered under Leader's Rock except for Snakefang, who proudly sat next to Leader's Rock. Crystalstar looked down at her clan in pride. "Cats of FireClan, it is my pleasure to introduce the deputy of FireClan, Snakefang!" She looked down at her deputy, he had his chest puffed out in pride. Crystalstar chuckled. She saw Darkpaw sitting next to Specklefoot. They looked cute together. Specklefoot was aware of Darkpaw's presence. She looked at him and smiled. Spottedpaw sat on the other side of his sister. Being overprotective.

Crystalstar took a deep breath, "But I regret to inform you that Owlfur has been exiled." Mistyheart's eyes widened. Snakefang opened his eyes in shock. 'Owlfur is exiled?' Snakefang thought. 'There better be a good reason for this.' "He lied to me and attacked his own clan mate, Barkpelt." Crystalstar meowed, shaking her head in disappointment. "Thank you for your attention. This clan meeting is over." Crystalstar meowed, leaping down from leader's Rock. 

Barkpelt padded over to the Medicine Cat den to see Cloudfur and Spottedpaw about those wounds from Owlfur. "I heard what happened, are you okay?" Cloudfur asked him, not as a Medicine Cat, but as a concerned sister. "Yeah, I'm okay. I just need to get these scratches chacked before they get infected." he meowed quietly. "Okay, Spottedpaw can you please give Barkpelt dock leaves and chervil?" Cloudfur asked her apprentice. Crystalstar popped her head in the Medicine Cat den. "Will he be okay?" she asked, worry glinting in her eyes. "Yes Crystalstar, he will be fine. He just seems stressed out." Cloudfur replied. "Where in StarClan is Spottedpa-?" Cloudfur was interrupted. "Hey, umm Cloudfur, I was wondering if you needed any help collecting herbs." Nightspirit asked. "Well since Spottedpaw is handling Barkpelt, I could go collect herbs, so yes you can come with me." Cloudfur replied, while Nightspirit's heart was racing. So they were in the forest collecting herbs together.

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