Chapter 14

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(A/n: I did not make 'Chapter 14' after 'Chapter 12' on accident)

"I'll leave you to catch your breath." Crystalstar backed out of the den. Padding into the forest. She went to the exact same place she had met Flame the last sunrise. "Hello." Crystalstar heard a meow behind her. She turned around to meet the sparkling blue eyes of Flame. She purred "Hello Flame. How have you been?" Flame didn't reply, he just licked Crystalstar's cheek. She rolled her eyes and curled up into a ball, Flame wrapping his muscular body around the FireClan leader.

 Barkpelt and Sunheart saw Crystalstar leave camp, but were too tired to bother. So they went into the Warrior Den and curled up next to each other. Cloverclaw was a little jealous, she knew she should be happy for the two, but she missed when she and Barkpelt curled up next to each other, but being envious for Sunheart just made her feel guilty, that she shouldn't be envious, so she shook it off and went to sleep in a empty nest. 

Crystalstar padded back into camp. She felt a shooting pain in her stomach. She went right to Cloudfur. "Cloudfur, I have a bellyache." she meowed. Snowheart looked at Crystalstar worried, "She's strong Snowheart, stop acting like a frantic kit!" she hissed to herself. The pains grew stronger and Crystalstar fell to the ground. 'What's wrong with me?' Crystalstar thought to herself. "Here, eat these juniper berries, chervil, and mallow leaves, I'll find out what's wrong." Cloudfur meowed calmly, but inside she was worried, there were millions of possibilities of what was wrong.

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