Chapter 7

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Crystalstar entered a small clearing and saw the two toms tussling. "Stop!" she yowled. "What is the meaning of this fighting?"

Sunheart woke up and saw herself at the base of the tree. Her head hurt. 'Must've been a mistake.' she thought. Barkpelt and Owlfur were still fighting, both of them having wounds, then she saw Crystalstar burst in and yowl, "Stop! What is the meaning of this fighting?" Barkpelt separated himself from Owlfur, with Owlfur still hissing at him, he hissed back.  "I'm so sorry Crystalstar! I- I.. I didn't-t kn-now what.. to do,-I.." Sunheart meowed while crying. "It wasn't her fault! She was just trying to get away from Barkpelt!" Owlfur interrupted. "But he followed her out of camp, and I heard them fighting, so I went out of camp too! And I accidentally got into a fight with Barkpelt. Barkpelt is not fit to be a warrior. I suggest you exile him!" 

"You just get more shallow don't you?!" Barkpelt meowed to Owlfur. "Crystalstar, Owlfur was making Sunheart's life miserable and sad, and I don't want Sunheart to be sad, I want her to be happy. And we weren't fighting! We were talking! And then Owlfur came, and he didn't want the secret to spill that he yells at Sunheart. So he fought me. Please believe me." Barkpelt finished. "Don't listen to him! He has no sense! All he says are lies!" Owlfur meowed. "Barkpelt is right! It's Owlfur who should be sorry!" Sunheart meowed.

Crystalstar's blue eyes narrowed. Should she believe one of her senior warriors, or two of her normal warriors? She took a deep breath. "Owlfur, did you or did you not attack Barkpelt, if you lie you will be exiled, but if you tell the truth you will continue a senior warrior lifestyle." Crystalstar meowed. She wasn't sure if she would follow through the exile, so she hoped he told the truth. Owlfur seemed flustered then he answered.


Spottedpaw spoke up. "Hey! I heard it all, I just didn't bother. Sunheart is scared of you, Owlfur! And so is my sister!" he looked down at Specklefoot. "I know these things, and Barkpelt did nothing wrong."  "Thank you, Spottedpaw." Crystalstar replied, nodding approvingly. Her harsh gaze rested on Owlfur. "You lied to your clan leader, and for that, you are exiled." Crystalstar hissed. She felt bad for doing so to one of her old friends, but it had to be done. "B-but," Owlfur took a deep sigh. "Fine. Be that way. But you haven't seen the last of me." He turned to Sunheart and whispered something, then turned to Barkpelt and hissed at him. Then bounded away. He knew some cats.

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