Chapter 6

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Sunheart was looking down, and Barkpelt didn't like Sunheart being sad, so he padded over to her. "Hey Sunheart, what's wrong?" he asked in a normal voice, he seemed so much more comfortable and safe with her, he knew she would never betray him. "Nothing." Sunheart meowed, wiping away a tear. "Don't worry, you can tell me anything." Barkpelt meowed. She stopped crying, then she looked up and saw Owlfur. "Shh. He's watching us." Sunheart whispered. "What?" Barkpelt's voice was quiet now. "Just walk out of camp with me." Sunheart replied. So they walked out of camp together, but the tom was stalking closely behind. 

Speckletail heard a rustle in the leaves. Being blind she was still a excellent warrior since her mentor taught her how to 'see' and sense where things are. She kept hearing it. Dropping into a crouch she moved slowly and soundlessly, the squirrel right in front of her and killed it, along with a thrush later on. She went back to camp. But on her way back she bumped into Owlfur. "Watch it!" Owlfur hissed. Then kept on walking towards their scent. 

Once they were out of camp Sunheart ran with Barkpelt trailing closely behind. Owlfur was still walking casually, so nocat would be suspicious. 

They hid in a bush, then she whispered. "What I'm about to tell you, you cannot tell anycat." Barkpelt nodded in response. "When I met Owlfur I thought he was nice, like what you think he is. But as I got to really know him, he became more aggressive, less corporative, more greedy, and got mad at me even when I did nothing wrong." she meowed. "I regret even being his friend, and I wish that I would've built a life with you and not him. I love you." Barkpelt was too shocked for words. He felt angry, sad, and amazing. He was sad that she had to suffer through all of this, angry that such a angry, greedy, cat could do all this to such a innocent, kind, beautiful she cat, and amazing that she just revealed she loved him. "I love you too, and I will never let him hurt you again." he reassured.   "Aaawww, how sweet, then both of you live happily. ever. after." Owlfur hissed menacingly. Then he leaped onto Barkpelt. "Oh Sunheart, I thought we agreed to keep things a secret." Owlfur continued. "I warned you cats would get hurt if you said anything."   "No! Don't hurt him!" Sunheart meowed, she tried to leap on Owlfur, but he whacked her and she fell against a tree. "Sunheart!" Barkpelt meowed, he freed himself from his grip and the two toms battled. 

Crystalstar had seen Barkpelt and Sunheart walk out of camp, but thought nothing of it. Then she saw Owlfur prowling after them. She felt concerned. 'It's their business, stay out of it!' she told herself. yet curiosity got the best of her and she ran out of camp to the direction Barkpelt, Sunheart, and Owlfur had gone. 

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