Third Year: The Carriages

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The train had just pulled into the small platform, surrounded by lanterns and thick black trees. Outside her window, Bambi could see the first students beginning to unload into lines. Someone was unloading bags and suitcases onto large rolling carts. She could just barely see the large looming castle across the lake, the silhouette brought out by the twinkling night stars.

"You can stick with us, we're getting a carriage to ourselves," said the twins. Lee nodded.

They had begun to gather their few things and were standing now. Bambi put a resisting Monty back into his carrier, slinging it over one arm, and grabbing her carpetbag with her other.

Bambi didn't exactly know where she was supposed to be going, so it was a good thing that when the four of them started out towards the platform, she was suddenly pulled aside.

"Miss Hargroves?" Bambi was stopped by a tall lanky boy, a couple years older than herself and the boys she was with.

"Perce, come on buddy, she's a bit young for you," One of the twins said in a teasing tone.

Bambi looked between the two, "Perce" seemed to be staring daggers at the twins.

"Professor McGonagall instructed me to collect you here. You'll ride up with me in the Prefect Carriage so you don't get lost with all of the first years coming in." He smiled a very formal polite smile, his ginger hair barely visible under the tall black hat he wore.

"Oh," Bambi looked back at the twins and Lee who were all looking rather annoyed with this boy.

"Come on, Percy,"

"Fred, George, you're disrupting the flow of students. Get going," He pointed down the hill where a line of carriages were sitting, some already being loaded.

One of the twins opened his mouth to speak again, but Percy gave them a stern look, his finger still held out towards the direction of the carriages.

The three boys frowned again, rolling their eyes, but took off in the direction of the carriages.

Percy grabbed the cat carrier for her, and Monty immediately hissed at him. "I've read a lot about your father, he seems like the most intriguing man," Percy smiled widely as he led her around to one of the carriages towards the front. "Forgive me, I haven't properly introduced myself, I'm Percy Weasley, Gryffindor Prefect." He said in a rather proud voice, opening the door for Bambi to get into the carriage.

A few other people were sitting there, a fifth-year Gryffindor girl, and a boy and girl Ravenclaw, all prefects. They moved over in their seats for Bambi to sit with them when they approached.

"So this is the transfer girl we heard about," The female Gryffindor Prefect grinned a white pearly smile.

Bambi wondered if she had used some brightening serum.

She smiled back, a bit shy with the new group of older students.

"Did you know her father is S.L. Hargroves? He's the author of this year's Care of Magical Creatures course book!" Percy immediately responded to the girl.

"Oh really?" The Ravenclaw prefect girl added, "I'd love to have such a famous intelligent father, you're so lucky!"

The whole ride to the castle, Bambi was bombarded with questions about her father. "Did he really stop the Graphorn from going extinct?" or, "Is true that he really discovered a plant that can repair eyesight?" or, "You must have enjoyed growing up in the spotlight, I'm sure,"

She answered them best to her abilities, while at the same time, trying to get a better view of the castle now drawing nearer. Bambi didn't want to only be recognized for her father's achievements, but it seemed that she had a big shadow cast over her.

Meanwhile, a few carriages back, the twins and Lee sat, staring out the windows.

"So," Lee began, eying the twins who were rather tired of being cooped up all day. "Bambi."

"What about her?" Fred asked.

"She knows hardly anything about Hogwarts... or like... anything about you know who." He said in a lowered voice.

"That's nonsense," George waved a hand, "You can't expect me to believe she's been all over the world, and not heard of you know who?"

"It's the truth!" Lee raised his eyebrows, "She was asking me all sorts of questions!"

"So, you two got quite cozy then?" Fred wiggled his eyebrows.

"Oh, come on, Fred! We all saw how you googled at her when you were tying her tie!" George elbowed his brother.

"Yeah, absolutely no room to speak, Fred." Lee laughed.

"No, no, George tied her tie." Fred crossed his arms.

"Mhm, sure I did," George rolled his eyes with another laugh. "Admit it, Fred, you're in looooveee," He said in a sing-song voice.

"George, don't test me, I will start reciting your sleep talking- "Oh, Angelina, you're so beautiful Angelina-" Fred said with a sly smile, sniggering at his brother's reaction.

"Okay, okay! Cut it out!" George slapped his hand over Fred's mouth, his face considerably reddened. "I was just kidding with you."

"George, you like Angelina??" Lee opened his mouth, "How am I just now hearing about this??"

"It's whatever-" George, still blushing, averted his eyes from their amused faces.

"I think we should let her tag along with us," Lee said.

"Angelina?" Fred tilted his head to the side.

"No!" Lee looked at him obviously, "Bambi!"

"Lee, we know your mum is like, totally in love with her father but-"

"Fred," Lee crossed his arms, "She just seems cool. While you two were blowing up Longbottom's frog, I got to talk with her more."

"You sure we can't tease you?" Fred raised an eyebrow. "Mr. Poetic over here."

"No, I'm just saying, she's new- and she's transferring over into classes where everyone already knows each other. She seems shy- I just would feel bad if she got left out in anything."

"Got it, so you're saying we should keep an eye on her?" George smiled, a mischievous grin crossing his face.

"Just, be nice, won't you?" Lee looked at him, knowing exactly what "Keep an eye on her," meant to the twins.

"Yes, mum, we'll play nice." The two said in unison.

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