Summer 1993: The Weasley's Return

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July 1st

Dear Fred,

You'll be happy to know your letter made it through the Egyptian Owl Postal service unscathed. You're right, it feels very strange here without you and George's chaos. It's strangely quiet with just Dad and me... I think I miss the constant explosions.

Egypt is hot, like, REALLY hot. So, do me a favour and don't forget to pack your hat and your sun cream. I think I must have gotten used to the European weather, because I'm not half as cut out for the warmth as I used to be. Evenso, it's been a pretty fun trip so far. I met your brother Bill and he's been really nice. Dad, him, and a few others spent maybe a week or two on this one artefact thinking there was some rare creature inside, only to find a Boggart. Apparently, Bill's afraid of spiders too, must run in the family! Bit of a let down, personally I was hoping for something a bit more exciting. Dad thinks the Boggart wasn't even put there, but just liked the darkness of the box.

Oh! I got my own owl too. Her name is Pants, but she's not quite ready for the long flight. You'll get to meet her when you visit. I've been sending her out on short flights, but she wasn't trained beforehand, so she gets distracted easily by other people and animals.

I miss you guys, please hurry on over. How's your family doing?


PS - You should call me. I've attached my phone number and a second page here with all the instructions on how they work.


July 10th

Dear Bambi,

Don't have an interesting opener for you- Show off with your cursed artefacts- but everyone here is doing just fine. Ginny's nervous about the flight over to Egypt, really, I was hoping we'd be able to just Apparate alongside Mum and Dad, but they're insisting on flying all the way there on broomsticks. Guess I'll finally know what you're always complaining about, my arse already hurts bad enough after flying for just an hour or two for Quidditch. Mum's still fussing about packing, Dad's been working extra to save up a bit more spending money and, oh, Percy's been on George and my case more than usual (if you can believe that), BUT it could be because we made it so his quill makes kissing noises anytime he tries to write to his girlfriend.

Supposed to be the full moon on the 3rd, hope you're alright and not freaking out too much. Do you grow wings on the full moon? That'd be pretty cool.

Congratulations on Pants. With a name like that, I expect she's a pretty cool bird.


PS - Ron said a weird angry man picked up when he tried calling Harry. Faulty muggle stuff, I think I'll stick to writing. Also George says you've hurt his feelings because he didn't get a letter and you must not love him as much. I assured him that you do love me more and that I'm your favourite twin. Anyways- He says hi. Mum says hi too. Dad just did also- You know what, I'll just say hi from everyone, they keep walking past my room.


July 17th

Fred AND George,

There, George, are you happy? Yes, I love you too.

No- I don't grow wings. I'm still trying to piece together everything that happens on those nights, but honestly, it's all a bit fuzzy. I can remember the feelings more than anything else. Dad said I didn't wander far this time, just sat outside under the awning all night until the sun came up. I don't really get the whole point, I don't seem to do anything extraordinary, but maybe I won't end up ever doing anything super extraordinary because I'm only half and half. Who knows, though? Maybe I'll surprise you both one day and turn into a fire-breathing dragon fairy or something like that. Until then, I guess I'm just your average ordinary Bambi.

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