Summer, 1992: School Shopping

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Mrs. Weasley knocked lightly on the door to Fred and George's room, expecting the usual clamor of morning chaos to greet her. When she pushed open the door and stepped inside, she was instead met with a scene that momentarily caught her off guard.

There, sprawled on Fred's bed, was Bambi, fast asleep with her curls tousled and a faint smile on her face. Fred, apparently having sacrificed his comfort, lay curled up on the floor nearby, using a jumper as a makeshift pillow.

She paused, her hand still frozen on the doorknob as an expression of dissatisfaction washed over her smiling face.

Mrs. Weasley sighed softly and cleared her throat, trying to wake them gently. "Good morning, dears," she said, her voice carrying a hint of maternal disapproval. "I do hope everyone had a restful night."

Fred stirred first, blinking sleepily as he sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"Morning, Mum," he mumbled, looking slightly sheepish under her gaze.

Bambi stirred next, her eyes fluttering open as she realized where she was. She sat up quickly, pushing her hair out of her face with a nervous smile. "Morning, Mrs. Weasley," she greeted, trying to sound more awake than she felt.

"Fred, dear," She said in a hushed tone so that Bambi couldn't hear, "A young lady really shouldn't be sleeping in a boy's room, you know. You could have woken her and guided her back to Ginny's room."

Fred rubbed his eyes, still half-asleep, but smiled sheepishly with a nod,  "I know, Mum," he said quietly. "It was late, and she just dozed off. I didn't want to wake her."

Mrs. Weasley sighed softly, understanding her son's sentiment but still feeling uneasy about the situation. "Well, in the future, let's make sure she's comfortable in Ginny's room, alright? Now, let's come eat breakfast. We have a busy day ahead." She smiled, then bustled out the door to wake the next of the Weasleys.

George and Fred exchanged looks with each other. George shook his head, a look of bewilderment crossing his face as he pointed at Fred and laughed.

"What was that about?" Bambi shook her head, not knowing exactly what sort of exchange just took place.

"Nothing!" Fred said, tossing his bunched-up jumper at George's face, who wouldn't stop laughing.

Bambi looked between Fred and George, puzzled by their exchange but sensing there was some sibling banter she wasn't in on. Fred's playful annoyance and George's unrelenting laughter gave her the impression that perhaps this was a typical moment between the twins—one of many that she was starting to get used to.

"You two are hopeless," she teased, grinning as she tossed her pillow at Fred. "Come on, let's go grab some breakfast before your mum starts rounding us up again."

After breakfast, everyone hurried to dress and rejoin at the fireplace. Mrs. Weasley took a flowerpot off the kitchen mantelpiece and peered inside with a frown.

"We're getting low, Arthur." She sighed, "We'll have to buy some more today... Ah well," She cleared her throat, her face of concern being replaced by a smile, "Guests first! After you, Harry dear!"

She offered him the flowerpot, but Harry just stared blankly as they all watched expectantly.

"W-what am I supposed to do?" He stammered, a bit pink in the cheeks.

"He's never traveled by Floo powder," Said Ron suddenly, "Sorry Harry, I forgot."

"Never?" Asked Mr. Weasley, "But how did you get to Diagon Alley to buy your school things last year?"

"I went on the Underground—"

"Really?" Mr. Weasley cracked a huge eager smile as he began to bombard Harry with questions about such an adventure.

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