Third Year: The Bezoars and the Bowtruckles

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"Miss Hargrove, a minute in my office please?"

It was Saturday morning, the day of the Hogsmeade trip. Bambi was just walking out of the Great Hall from Breakfast when she was suddenly pulled aside.

"Professor McGonagall?" She looked up at the tall thin woman. "I'm not in trouble, am I?" Bambi stood still, afraid of giving off any hint that she had done anything worthy for McGonagall to remove house points. Her mind flashed to the Feast earlier that week, but, surely a troll would have been a big enough distraction to cover the face full of gravy she had been wearing.

"Not this time, Miss Hargroves," Professor McGonagall said with a hint of a thin smile. "There is a matter I must discuss with you in private, however,"

Bambi caught a glimpse of the twins down the corridor, they would be heading to the Common Room to grab their wallets before meeting back up outside in the Courtyard with her.

"Don't worry, this shouldn't take too long," Professor McGonagall explained, glancing down where Bambi was looking. She put a hand on Bambi's shoulder, leading her into the empty transfiguration classroom. "Go ahead and take a seat,"

Bambi took a seat at one of the desks. The classroom felt strangely open and eery when it was dark and empty like this. Thankfully, Professor McGonagall took out her wand and swished it, all of the candles flickering into warm flames.

"That's better," She smiled warmly, a look that Bambi had never seen on her face before.

"Professor," She raised her hand warily, "What was it you wanted to talk about with me?"

"Miss Hargroves," Professor McGonagall took a patient breath, "Since you have joined us as a third-year student, there was an important teaching moment you missed last year. Now, you are a young lady, and I expect that by now, you may have experienced a few physical changes in appearance," She explained as if she had recited this speech many times.

"Oh no," Bambi's smile faltered, her face burning red. "Is she actually giving me the talk? Like, the talk?"

"Usually around mid-second year, I'd take all the Gryffindor girls and go over all the things you'd need to know about becoming a young respectable witch. Seeing that you were raised by your father, I thought it wise to speak to you in a situation where he may have never taught you anything,"

Professor McGonagall continued to speak about womanhood and all of the endeavors that included in a very textbook sort of manner as Bambi sat there shrinking in her seat. Bambi wished now that she could have been here in her second year, hiding in a group of students would have been far less humiliating than this one-on-one learning moment.

"So usually once a month about," Would be followed by things such as, "But it's a wonderful thing truly because..." then, "Of course, we magic users have access to things that muggles do not."

"Professor," Bambi stuttered after opening her mouth several times to speak, "This really isn't necessary- I know about- uh, menstruation and stuff," She wished her cheeks would stop burning, she could feel the blush spreading to her ears.

She knew the basics at least. She had found a muggle medical textbook stored away in her father's things and read the one bit about the reproductive cycle, at least, the woman's side of things. In Bambi's opinion, she didn't need to know anything else.

Professor McGonagall went on as if she hadn't heard Bambi. Instead, she reached into her robes and handed Bambi a piece of parchment. "I have a list here of some useful easy incantations that might prove useful to you, as well as a list of potions and herbs you can request from the medical wing if you find yourself experiencing any uncomfortable symptoms."

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