Fourth Year: Butterbeer, Hogsmeade, and a Date for Two

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"Bambi, wake up!" Alicia was shaking her arms.

"W-What?" Bambi snapped out of the dream she had been having.

It was some odd dream where Fred and George were singing a Russian folksong into two long roses, the heads of the flowers acting like microphones, while Lee played a lively tune on a grand piano that magically sprouted among the wildflowers in the meadow they were in. Lee was a satyr and Fred and George had large blue bird-like wings, the same type the Fae from Bambi's Mum's village had.

Out of nowhere, Snape, with a beak like a crow came flying in from the sky, trying to steal Bambi's new necklace from around her neck.

"It's mine- Detention, Miss Hargroves..." He had said.

She was fighting with him, but her wand had turned into a sunflower, and the only spell she could shoot was Cheeriolas. The rest of the dream Bambi spent chasing a giggling flying Snape around while Lee, Fred, and George continued to sing below.

Bambi blinked rapidly, trying to shake off the remnants of her bizarre dream.

"Are you okay?" Alicia asked, a hint of concern etched on her face as she looked at Bambi with furrowed eyebrows.

Bambi shook her head slightly, "Yeah just a weird dream," She muttered, rubbing her eyes.

"Care to share?" Alicia chuckled, sitting down on the side of Bambi's bed.

"It was... chaotic." Bambi hesitated, the dream was already fading like vapor mist from a cauldron.

Angelina, who had been listening nearby, grinned. "Was Oliver there?" She wiggled her eyebrows.

Bambi shot a playful glare at Angelina, feeling her cheeks warm at the thought. She grabbed a nearby pillow and jokingly threw it at her friend. "No, Oliver wasn't there," she replied with a roll of her eyes, trying to hide her amusement.

The image of Oliver, in all his structured routined glory, trying to navigate the chaotic scene was amusing, however.

Angelina laughed, her grin widening, "Pity. But I guess you'll get enough of him today." she teased, raising an eyebrow suggestively.

Bambi rolled her eyes, trying to suppress a smile. "Yeah, I suppose so," she admitted, feeling a mix of anxious nerves and anticipation about the day that lay ahead.

"Well, come on, we better get you all prettied up and ready to go!" Alicia pulled Bambi up out of her bed, a playful smile on her face.

Bambi protested with a groan, reaching back towards the warmth of her bed. "No, no, no—ten more minutes—"

Alicia chuckled, her hands remaining firm.

"Bambi Marie Hargroves! When was the last time you even showered?" Angelina said, helping pull Bambi toward the bathrooms. "You smell like hot trash."

Bambi shot Angelina a glare, though she couldn't help but grin at her friend's teasing. With resigned reluctance, she allowed herself to be led into the bathroom. Alicia wasted no time in turning on the hot water, filling the room with steam as Bambi sat grumpily on one of the bench seats, still wrapped up in one of her blankets.

Angelina raised an eyebrow at Bambi, "Blanket off, now." she commanded.

Bambi frowned up at her.

"Fine, I'll do it myself then," Angelina stepped forward and yanked the blanket from Bambi, tossing it back into the room behind them. "Shall I continue or would you prefer to undress yourself?"

Bambi groaned again, "Okay okay!" She raised her hands, shooting the two girls another playful glare, then stepped behind the curtain, tossing her pajamas over the top.

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