Fifth Year: Navigating the Weirdness

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They arrived at King's Cross with twenty minutes to spare, the emerald-green velvet-clad Ministry drivers having gone above and beyond by finding trolleys and unloading their trunks. With a final tip of their bowler hats to Mr. Weasley, they drove off, leaving the group in the middle of the bustling platform.

"Right then," Mr. Weasley announced, grabbing Harry by the elbow, "Let's do this in pairs, as there are so many of us. I'll go through first with Harry."

Percy and Ginny went next, followed by Fred and George, exchanging smirks before making their way through together, as they often did for reasons not always understood by Bambi.

"Ron, Bambi, go along now, before that large group of Muggles gets too close," Mrs. Weasley gave them a stern look.

Ron hesitated for a moment before awkwardly offering his arm to Bambi, though it was clear he was unsure whether to hold on properly or not touch her at all. Bambi felt a pang of amusement at his bashfulness, but she kept her expression neutral. Together, they crossed the barrier into Platform 9 ¾.

No sooner had they made it through than Mrs. Weasley and Hermione burst through after them, nearly trampling over Bambi and Ron in their haste. Bambi barely managed to step aside in time, exchanging a glance with Ron.

Mrs. Weasley's eyes darted over the group, her lips moving as she silently counted each one—her children, Harry, Hermione, and Bambi. Satisfied, she announced, "Well, we're all here now," giving a brisk nod. She dusted herself off before her hands mindlessly flew to Fred and George's unruly hair, her fingers trying in vain to tame the long strands that had begun framing their faces over the summer. They both ducked away with playful grins, but Mrs. Weasley hardly seemed fazed, letting out a soft huff of exasperation.

Mrs. Weasley sighed, her eyes narrowing in on Bambi and the twins first. "You three..." she began, her gaze firm. Then she turned to Ron, Harry, and Hermione, adding, "And you three as well," her tone growing more stern with each second. "I want no letters home this year about your bad behaviour." Her words carried a gentle warning, but it was laced with the familiar fondness of a mother who had issued this same command more times than she could count.

"Mum," George groaned, rolling his eyes in exaggerated disbelief. "You know we would never do anything so foolish."

Fred chimed in, his voice dripping with mock innocence, "We're model students now, aren't we?" He threw an exaggeratedly virtuous look at his brother, "Although on second thought, he paused, it's not like we're Prefects or anything,"

George laughed, catching Fred's look, his face taking on the same expression, "Yeah, we leave that noble and ever boring burden to Percy," he said, giving an exaggerated wave in the general direction of their older brother.

Percy gave them a stern look, but otherwise said nothing else, his eyes scanning the platform with an air of authority.

"Honestly, the lot of you," Mrs. Weasley muttered, shaking her head. She pulled Percy into her arms, planting a kiss on his cheek, "Oh Percy, at least we have you to count on," she said fondly, patting his back.

"You wound me, Mum," Fred sighed dramatically, placing a hand over his heart. "We've reformed. Haven't we, Bambi?"

Bambi raised her hands in surrender, a smirk playing on her lips. "Don't drag me into this."

The familiar bustling sounds of the station filled the air, the platform alive with students and their families, excited chatter mixing with the clatter of trunks and owls hooting from their cages. The scarlet steam engine of the Hogwarts Express gleamed in the distance, smoke curling into the crisp autumn air, signalling the start of another school year.

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