Summer, 1992: The Burrow

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The week Bambi spent with her dad before leaving for the summer was a long, emotionally exhausting one. Sebastian had reserved a room in The Three Broomsticks, where he frequently stayed between adventures. All of his belongings were stacked in expandable boxes across the room, leaving only room for the two beds and a pathway in between.

"So," Sebastian had said when they settled down into some chairs in the downstairs dining area. The room wasn't very full, it was later in the evening and most people had either gone to their rooms or were sitting by the bar quietly sipping on butterbeer. "I know you probably have a lot of questions for me, but first, tell me, what did you think of Hogwarts?"

Bambi scooted in her chair, holding her mug of steaming butterbeer in her hands. "It was good- You should have seen my report card too. I got three O's. Professor McGonagall says I have real potential in transfiguration." Bambi replied, shoving her anger and questions aside for the moment sensing the longing look on her father's face.

"Oh, that's wonderful!" Sebastian grinned proudly, "I knew you'd do well." His eyes glanced around, "What was that Professor you had problems with? Was it... Snipe? Snake?"

"Professor Snape," Bambi groaned, telling her father all the snide remarks and detentions he had given. "Don't know why he even works there if he seems to hate it so much."

Sebastian nodded slowly. "Yeah, he wasn't there during my time at Hogwarts, the name doesn't ring a bell. AH-"

Monty had jumped up onto the table and licked the back of Sebastian's ear.

"Blasted cat!" He said wiping his ear off vigorously as the cat jumped onto Bambi's lap. He gave Monty a disgruntled frown.

Bambi filled Sebastian in with all the things that had happened over the school year; how Gryffindor won some Quidditch trophies, how she had on her first attempt, made a rat turn into a pitcher and then back again, and how she had accidentally run full force into Dumbledore one day while running through the corridors late for Divination. However, most of her stories involved running around with the twins, or, running away from the twins; depending on what exactly their plans were that day.

Sebastian seemed happy that his daughter was befriending his old schoolmate's sons, despite the fact that they were sons and not daughters. "Ah yes," He would say with a chuckle, "Now that sounds like something Arthur would have done there- well, maybe not go through with it, but he definitely would have come up with that sort of idea."

"We're not related to them, right?" Bambi clarified, just to make sure, thinking again of the Mirror of Erised. She hadn't told her dad about that particular night, not wanting him to hear about how she wished he'd stay home more. She had a sinking feeling in her heart thinking about how he would be leaving that weekend right after she hadn't seen him for almost a whole year. If only he would stay put just one summer...

"No, no-" Sebastian laughed, "You know, as far as I know, we are both Pureblooded families, and both have rather red hair, but, maybe other far far up the family tree, I wouldn't say we're related," He said, thinking, "Most Purebloods are related when you go far back enough I suppose, we did both have great great uncles twice removed named Harvonius, but that could be a strange coincidence."

"But I'm not a Pureblood, am I." Bambi found herself saying, a bit crosser than intended. She peered at him with her striking hazel eyes, in a way that meant she didn't want to wait any longer to talk about the one thing she had been thinking about since Christmas.

"Oh, er-" Sebastian's chuckle and smile stopped abruptly, "But none of that stuff matters- You know I'm not prejudiced,"

"That's not what I meant," Bambi gripped the mug in her hands, "I've heard what they call people like me. I'm a half-breed, not even considered human."

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