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Honestly.... I'm speechless the views basically doubled in a day, you guys are amazing!!!!!!! i will keep you notified in the comments to let you know when I'm searching for inspiration or motivation, I will also let you know when I am writing a new part!!!! I would like a few more requests, i will take any you throw at me. Then I will put it in the spot it belongs, either this story or the one-shot story I've been trying to get some requests on since the beginning. Now that you guys are aware, LETS GET TO THE STORY!!!!!!!


(guys one more thing, Claire will be narrating this!!!) (we will start where the last part started, when Zip and Edward were about to start the movie.)

Its weird, one second I'm in bed, then I get a message from Zip, of all people. Its strange, I see that she has invited me and Engel over to see a movie, of course I wait until Engel responds, I'm not going over there alone, I'm surprised when he says yes. Its bizarre, we talk to our bullies for one day, find out that we have some things in common, and now we are....friends? Acquaintances? maybe even just people who know each other and hangout sometimes. I start to get ready, bow in hair, new clothes to wear, looks that will make people stare, in awe(I'm rhyming, I feel like Claire is the type of person to use figurative language.) Now I hear a knock on the door. I walk out, looking straight up at Engel, then start to head to Zips dorm. Engel follows close behind, I can hear him getting closer every second. He then walks ahead of me, and slightly moves his hand toward my direction, I reach out and grab his hand because clearly that's what he wants. This is normal right? Friends hold hands all the time, this is no different. But if that's the case, why do i feel this way? Like I could blow up, my face gets red and hot, sweat dripping down my forehead, why am I this flustered? Am I....gaining actual feelings for Engel?! We finally reach Zips dorm after what felt like a decade, and Engel lets go of my hand to knock on the door. {finally} I think to myself, I thought I was going to die if I held his hand any longer. Zip welcomes us inside, I can tell by the smirk on her face that she is planning something, I am too tired to think about what that plan could be though. She sits next to Edward, or should I say ON Edward, literally sitting on his lap. I think about that being me and Engel, I really DO have feelings for him don't I?! Oh no!!! Now I have to sit next to him! Hopefully this isn't some kind of romance film....OF COURSE IT IS! Now I'm mad, I know that this is exactly what Zip was planning. I glare at Zip, her response? AN EVEN BIGGER SMIRK THAN BEFORE! NOW I KNOW FOR A FACT THAT SHE WAS PLANNING THIS ALL ALONG! I decide to look away and not show my anger, because deep down inside, I love all of this, the movie, zips plan, Engel...... I wish I could tell him how I felt, but what if he doesn't feel the same?! I'm scared now, I think I should go back to sleep so that I can calm down, I don't want to feel mad at Zip all day. I close my eyes and within a few minutes I fall asleep.... (nawr, this recap from someone else's perspective takes so long to write....)



I wake up in a field, out in the middle of nowhere. I am surrounded by poppy's and I see a figure out in the distance, It startles me at first. Then I start to walk towards the figure, It is leaning on a tree, reading a book. The closer I get the more i can identify  who or what the figure was, then I realize it. The figure looks at me with a warm caring smile, the smile that's literally sweeps me off my feet, the smile of a pure soul, this smile came from none other than Engel himself. His calm sweet smile, that is what I'm after, his kindness and compassion. I long for his love, his attention, his care, his smile. I can hear a soft melody, looking into his eyes, I forget who I am. Like I'm lost at a sea with no end, he is the only one who can bring me to shore... his wholesome, warm, tight grip. He calls me over to the tree, and I don't waste a single second, I walk over to him. He wraps his arms around my waist, making straight eye contact with me, my face turns the color of cherry blossoms, my nerves activate making my hands shake. I swear i can feel the breeze against my legs, the same breeze that makes Engel lean closer towards me, I'm excited, but then i realize.... this doesn't feel right..... Engel doesn't like me like this.......we're only friends.....nothing else... the beautiful scenery slowly starts to fade away, "NO WAIT!!!!" I scream but its too late, all that's left is a black void..... I fall to my knees and cry, cry away the pain of losing him....even though it wasn't real in the first place. Suddenly my eyes shot open, Its been two hours since the second bell rang and the others are already in class, I read the note left to me by my FRIEND Engel.... not long after that i realize that I still have tears streaming down my face....or where those already there? I wouldn't dream was too silly, I should've never believed that it was real in the first place. I get up and fix my face before heading to Miss. Thavel's class, just to torture myself again, daydreaming about Engel but this time, he is right next to me. I cant stand this unending pain, I just need to find a way to get over him....right? It wont be that easy........


OMG this chapter is so sad, don't worry it will get better!!! Also Its my longest part so far!!! I don't have much to say other than I made a little reference to her death in this If you can be the first one to find it, Ill give you a shoutout and a free follow!!! Also you can give me any request Ill write it FPE or not! and as always, have a spectacular day/evening/night!!!!!Love you guys!!!

Just another day of paper school chaos (zipward)Where stories live. Discover now