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"I don't know about this...." Claire says, clearly terrified of Miss. Circles capability. "It'll be okay!" Engel says, clearly not meaning it. "ok...." She says then opens the door to Miss. Circles classroom. She is currently teaching a class, with Lizzy in it. "CLAIRE, ENGEL WTF ARE YOU DOING THIS ISN'T YOUR CLASS PERIOD!!!!" Miss. Circle said, she sounded pissed. "ummm! we need to talk to you......about Oliver." "ugh! I'm listening." Miss. Circle said, hiding her urge to slash them in the throat. "He's in the hospital right now......he needs new lungs, and it's possible that Lizzy is a match....." Engel said, scared as hell. "..." Miss. Circle didn't know what to say, she just stood there in shock. Then she looked over at Lizzy, who looked back at her mom like she didn't know her.... "we'll talk after class" Miss. Circle said, brining movement back too her body and pushing them out the door, looking at Lizzy one last time before going back to teaching. "sigh, we did our job without dying yay!" Claire said sarcastically. "I wouldn't celebrate just yet..." Said Engel, looking super depressed, he feels bad for Miss. Circle. Even though she was a killer, he knew that she would never want to purposely kill one of her kids for the other, even if the other was Oliver.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Back in the hospital room, Alice was in Oliver's mind again, talking to him. Telling Zip and Edward how he was doing. "He says he misses you guys." She said, a slight smile forming on her face. They looked so happy because they could communicate with their friend that was currently in a coma. "Tell him we miss him too!" Zip said, really excited, almost sounded like her normal self. This made Edward happy, because just a week ago she was gloomy as can be, that was when Oliver had flatlined. Of course it was still haunting her, but she didn't show it. Oliver was still stuck in his head, of course, he had nowhere else to go. He had recently found out that he could spawn anything of his imagination in the black void, he decided to spawn a whole box of soaps, so he could at least dream about eating them, he could interact with them, eat them. But he wouldn't taste anything, and they weren't real anyway, so what was the point? He didn't know. "Tell him that he needs to wake up soon" Said Edward. "OK." Said Alice going back into Oliver's head. "They say they miss you too, and you need to wake up soon." She told him. "I'm trying my hardest! I cant find a way out." Said Oliver annoyed. "Let me guess, that was Edward" He said. "Yeah..." She responded. She was upset, but she didn't let him know. She didn't want to ruin his conversation with his friends, they all looked so happy while hearing from one another, she didn't want to ruin that by quitting her messenger job just to spend some time with Oliver. She then left to go back and forth again spreading their messages.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Ok, Claire, Engel, what exactly happened and why am I just now hearing about this?" She said, sounding upset. They explain how he got stabbed and his lungs started failing. Then they explained how siblings have the same blood type and can help each other in procedures like this one, even though it will end up taking at least one of their lives. Miss. Circle couldn't make a decision, Oliver or Lizzy. " Wait a damn minute...." Miss. Circle said. " Since when did you give a crap about Oliver?!" She sounded so confused. "No offence, but we aren't doing this for Oliver, we are doing it for Zip and Edward, us four are friends. Oliver would kill us if he found out though, so please don't tell him, if he ends up being your choice." Engel said, Claire stared at him with full shock, jaw dropped and everything. He just said something bad about their killer teachers son in front of her face. "No offence taken, I get it he can be a jerk." Miss. Circle responded. Claire looked at her even more shocked, AND SHE DIDNT TAKE OFFENCE, WHAT IS GOING ON?!  She was so confused. "I think I'm going to be safe and save the more popular one, not the wannabe." Said Miss. Circle. "So? Lizzy?....." Engel asked. "No Oliver. Lizzy could never, she is a disappointment." Miss. Circle responded, looking proud of her decision. "OMG thank you!!!! I didn't think I would've been able to tell the two if you had picked Lizzy! They are so upset!" Claire said. "sighhhhh" Miss. Circle then turned around and walked off, tying Lizzy into a bag, taping her mouth shut and closing it, giving it to Engel and Claire. "Run and give her to them before I change my mind." She said. "yes ma'am!" Engel said, and they were off.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lets hope that Lizzy turns out alright in the next chapter- "the procedure" bye for nowwww love you guys!!!! have an amazing day/evening/night!!!!!!<3 (884 words :/ )

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