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This story is in Claire's POV, talking about Engel. I am going to start with recaps after this chapter. Because I can't thank you guys enough, 200 views since the last chapter, I never thought that I would get this enough attention, its amazing, thank you all!!!!



I wake up, right next to my boyfriend? Best friend? Just friend? I don't know anymore. I found out recently that we both like each other, and we slept together last night, but I don't know if he wants to be that close yet. I decide to get up and get ready, Today is supposed to be an extra hour longer for those of us that were at the hospital because we missed our classes yesterday. I am still extremely tired from staying up 5 hours later than my curfew. Oh well... at least I slept for a short amount of time. That reminds me it's been a while since I got up, I wonder if Engel is awake now? I head into the dorm bedroom and see him still passed out underneath the covers. I chuckle, his sleeping face is so cute. Then I walk over to his side and tap him repeatedly, he furrows his brow and pulls the covers fully over his head. I sigh and give up, we still have an hour before school starts. I slip into the bed through the other side and scoot close to Engel. I see a slight smirk form on his face, he reaches out, opening his eyes and pulls me into his chest. I jumped, the sudden movement startled me, then I start to laugh and look up at his face, "you're so cute." I say then I notice his face turn red. "oops! did I say that out loud?" I'm embarrassed, but I don't regret saying it. I lay my head on his chest again, It's so comfy. I never want this hour to end, but eventually everything has to come to an end. And so it did. I wake back up to the school bell, we are supposed to be in class right now. "ENGEL!!!" I yell and get up from under the covers. I look around and catch my alarm, we are one hour behind schedule. Engel looks at me, a pout on his face. "Can't we just call in sick?" He asks me. I think for a second. "The teachers will be suspicious if we both call in at the same time, and if they check the cameras they will see that we are in the same room." I say, a little upset as well. "There are cameras in here?" He asks tiredly. "No, but there are for sure cameras in the hall that saw us enter this room last night." I respond. He sighs and gets up, still wearing the clothes from yesterday. I try to get up but fall down immediately. "CLAIRE?! Are you ok?!" Engel asks me. My legs are numb, I can't stand. Did something happen last night? That's what my brain first went to. But I would've remembered that, it's not like I drank anything, I would remember. Right? Engel comes to my side of the bed and tries to help me stand up but nothing works, I can't feel my legs, it's like they aren't there. He sets me on the bed and gives me a worried look. "Engel, I have an honest question." I say. "What is it?" He says, still worried about me. "D-did anything....happen, last night?" I ask. His face is flushed red. "N-NO OF COURSE NOT!!!" He responds, a blushing mess. "You are being honest?" I ask. "Why would I lie about something like that?!" He sounds concerned. "ok, I was just making sure." I say, calmly. "Are you assuming that I Wooed you In your sleep?!" He asked, still blushing. "AGAIN, I was just making sure, because I can't feel my legs." I say, a little embarrassed. "ok, I think you should get that checked with the nurse." He tells me basically ignoring our conversation before. "I would if I could walk." I tell him, a little angry. "Oh, right...." he says, "I can carry you there." He says holding his hands out for me to grab and pull myself up with. "I'm ok with that!" I say. "Ok then, to the nurse!" He says then picks me up and carries me down the hall.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*CRASH* I wake up to the sound of glass breaking. "Zip?!" I call out. No response. I get out of bed and yell her name again, "ZIIIIPPPP?!!!" I start to get worried, then hear the sound of crying coming from the other side of the counter in the kitchen. "Zip?" I ask once more, the crying getting louder. I walk to the other side and I don't know why I'm surprised. This was the person I expected to see, right? It was none other than Zip with a shard of glass poking out of her knee, she was trying to pull it out, but it had cut too deep. It seemed like this had happened before, but it wasn't with Zip and I don't quite know if it actually did, or if I was going crazy. My little episode of Deja-vu kicked in when I looked at her face, all scrunched up and wet from tears. She could do nothing other than cry, she couldn't scream no matter how hard she tried. It reminded me....of none other than Alice. She wasn't always this big scary demon that went around killing people. She had a childhood too, but it was not a really good one. I remember, a few kids had decided to bully Oliver, they thought he was weak because he was a girl the year before, now he was a boy. They bullied every single part of him that was "girlish" It made Alice absolutely furious, they weren't dating at the time, but they were very close friends. I helped Zip to the nurse. I saw Claire, she looked worried. I should be more worried about Zip than I am of the fact that her wounds have been seen before, but my "boyfriend mode" just isn't kicking in. I think back to Alices home life, when she was younger, it wasn't amazing, not even close. neglective parents, favored siblings, Abuse, Murder.... that one, was her fault, no one ever told her that though, it was a touchy subject and they thought she would kill them too. What had happened? Oh..... It was another regular day, for Alice at least. She came home to her parents fighting, then later that night after she got an hour of actual rest she woke up to her parents about to end her in her sleep. her dad noticed first and wrapped his arms around her neck, attempting to suffocate her. He was too late though, she grabbed a knife she kept under her pillow and stabbed him in his chest, he bled on her. She almost puked, disgusted by her own actions, but they were necessary. She then looked to her mom, who was pointing a pistol straight at her forehead. Alice couldn't move or her mom would shoot. She stood still until her mom pointed the gun into her mouth and pulled the trigger, both of her parents gone like that. Alice  was devastated, but also extremely happy. She was torn in two, one guilt, two pleasure. She couldn't choose, which led to her going mentally insane. Oliver was upset that all this had happened to her. Once she had finished explaining to him, she realized that their fourth grade teacher heard it all, she reported it to the police and Alice was placed in a mental asylum. Which only made her worse. She became suicidal and attempted to grow out her nails and cut herself, but it wasn't enough. no one knows what happened after to make her a straight up demon, but one thing is for sure, there is no going back for Alice, she is stuck this way. I can't help feeling bad for her, and all the people she killed. The one part I remember was when we were all at Oliver's house we were playing a game of hide-and-seek to cheer Alice up before school, the morning before she was taken away. Alice was a hider with me and Oliver, Zip was seeking. Alice decided to hide by a bookcase beside a large window. She giggled, she knew she had a good spot, at least it was a good spot. She laughed so hard that the bookcase wobbled until it landed on the window, shattering it into multiple pieces, majority of them landing on Alice impaling her skin. We sent her to the nurse and thankfully she helped. But the scars are still there, still haunting Alice to this day. It hurts me to think about it but it was a major change in my life that I still don't seem to accept, I sometimes think of Alice as the same old kid that she used to be...unless she's on a killing spree, all I see is a monster, I can't think of them as the same person. I know I need to accept it. But I need to know how. Someone needs to help me. Figure this out.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AND WITH THAT, CHAPTER 13 IS DONE!!! Wow so much angst and drama. I didn't even plan this it just happened while I was writing. Thank you all so much! I am just 46 views away from 1000 woo hoo!!! I will write about Oliver in the next chapter so don't worry my little simps :3 I hope you are ready for some non-canon events(some already happened). I hope you have an amazing day/evening/night, I love you all!!!bye!!!!(1670 words, yippie a new record!)

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