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never thought that I'd get to 790 views.....thank you all so much, i don't know what to say other than that, this is a real shock. I love all of you guys/girls/non-binarys/walmart bags!!!!!


Zip is pacing back and fourth, it's been 2 hours since they took Oliver. Edward looked back at his watch for the hundredth time "Can this take any longer?" says Claire pouting. "I'm sure it'll be over soon." Engel says. Alice is hiding in the shadow in the corner. The hospital is empty, all except the five already mentioned and of course, Oliver, Lizzy, and the surgeons. Miss. Circle is in the waiting room, she is actually worried, though she knows that Lizzy has a 20% chance of survival, she still hopes. Zip starts to tear up again. "shhh, it'll be oka-" Edward gets cut off by Zips finger over his lips. "you know what happened last time you said that." She said with a frown. "Oh so what? anything I say is bad luck now?" Edward says with a scowl and backs away angrily. "I guess so." Zip said "for the sake of Oliver's life, you should stay quiet." "Everything I say is bad luck huh? How about this, I love you? NO STILL BAD LUCK RIGHT?! How about I don't love you? Better? No of course not! That makes weak little girls like you upset." Edward says mockingly. Zip starts to tear up "YOU LITTLE-"Zip gets cut off. "guys stop! don't fight now!" Says Claire. "You guys, I get that your worried about Oliver but that doesn't mean let you should your stress get in the way of your relationship!" Engel says. "Isn't that what you're doing?" Zip said, still angry. "hm?" Engel hums in confusion. "You can't admit that you like Claire because you let your stress and fear of rejection get in the way." Zip says, a small smirk appearing on her face. She then looks at Claire who is staring at Engel wide-eyed and red. "Claire that goes for you too" Zip then continues to blabber about their feelings toward each other, almost forgetting about her fight with Edward. Then he laughs a little. She remembers and goes back to silence, leaving the other two awkwardly staring at each other. Edward is upset, he wishes he could go up and hug Zip, but she would just back away if he got any closer. Alice was still hiding in the shadows watching all of this happen, and Oliver was still in surgery. Claire breaks the silence "Zip, look behind you..." She sounded scared. Zip turns around to see Alice in her demon form, a shadow with red eyes. "Alice? I thought you left?" Zip asked. Alice turns back to her human form and replies with a shaking of her head. "Oh, well. You can talk to me, unless you want to talk to that SEXIST WHORE that claims to be my boyfriend over there!" She purposely raises her voice so that Edward can hear her. He looks at her for a second then turns back around. He is curled up on the ground and staring at the wall, on the verge of tears. Believe it or not, but he doesn't like fighting with people. Pranking them is an exception. Zip continues to make rude comments then starts to hear small sniffles. She is shocked, of course he would cry! Why would she say something like that?! After she finally snaped out of it, she slowly walked over to the corner that Edward was sitting in. "Hey, I'm sorry, i don't know what came over me..." She spoke softly. Maybe Edward was too quick to forgive, but he immediately accepted her apology and wiped his tears away, heading toward the group, holding Zip's hand. "Wow! They got over that quick!" Engel whispers in Claires ear. She is still too stunned from what Zip had said to respond, she just nodded her head slowly, still red. There is plenty of seats but they decide to make a circle. Edward sits on the ground crisscross, with Zip in his lap. Alice is also on the ground, though she doesn't seem to enjoy it. Claire and Engel sit in two seats right next to each other, both are flustered by being this close, even though it didn't faze them before. Zip and Edward noticed and looked at each other, they were scheming something. Everyone could tell. Zip sat on the other side of Claire and Edward did the same with Engel, then both Claire and Engel looked at each other sort of chuckling in confusion, "3,2,1!"Zip and Edward spoke in unison. Engel nor Claire had enough time to react, their bodies collided, their lips made contact, they were both in shock. They pulled away from each other, making awkward eye contact the entire time. Once they had enough time to process, Engel slightly chuckled and put his hands on Claires hips, pulling her in closer. She then subconsciously put her hands on his shoulders and their lips made contact once more. The kiss lasted just about three seconds, but to the two it felt like an eternity. They pulled away for the second time and smiled at each other. Claire tightly hugged Engel. Zip and Edward had somehow found popcorn and sat on the side cheering them on. Alice looked disgusted. "Oh come on!" Zip said, "you don't ever kiss Oliver?" Alice glared at her. "you know what forget I said anything..." Zip said, sweat dripping down her forehead. "God! why is Oliver so attracted to demonic girls, this one in particular?" She whispered to Edward, he just shrugged, Alice never gave him any trouble. They sat in silence for a moment. Then it happened... after waiting so long... they finally heard it. *Ding* That was the sound of pure bliss, the sound of Oliver finally getting out of surgery. A surgeon came out of the room. "DOCTOR, DID IT WORK, IS HE OKAY?!!" Zip screamed at him. Edward put his hand over her mouth, "sorry about that, she's been really worried." He looked at the surgeon, embarrassed. "That's okay." Replied the surgeon. " The surgery went very well, for one of them, the other will have to be taken to urgent care in -------, They have amazing doctors." Said the surgeon. "Which one will be taken away?" Engel asked. "The donor" Said the surgeon. That meant that Lizzy had an even lower percent chance of survival, 15% chance. "So that means that Oliver is okay?" Claire asked. "Yes, he is perfectly healthy now." Zip cried tears of joy, she ran up and hugged the surgeon. "Thank you, for saving his life!!!" She said. "Of course, It's my job." He responded, then Edward helped him pry Zip off and he walked away, coming back with a half sleeping Oliver in a stretcher, smiling faintly. "He won't be able to talk right now because it turns out that part of his injury hurt his vocal chords as well." Said the doctor. "Will he be able to talk later?!" Zip asked. "As long as he doesn't attempt to until his organs are better, yes." He explained. "But if he tries to talk, he could risk damaging what we just fixed, so he won't be able to for about a week." "oh, ok." Zip said, disappointed. At the end of the day, Lizzy was transferred, Miss. Circle went with her, having a substitute take over. And Oliver had to stay at the hospital for another two weeks, to ensure that his organs are okay. Alice's decided to stay in the hospital with Oliver. Zip, Edward, Engel, and Claire walked back to the schools dorms and separated there. Zip and Edward laid on Zips couch and passed out, it was a long day. And tomorrow would be even longer. (btw Claire stayed in Engels room :3)

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi peeps! This literally took all day for me to write! I sure hope that I attract some attention with this. Thank all of you that still read my stories, I am so grateful for all of you. And for now have an amazing day/evening/night!!! Love you guys!!!!<3 (also how did Oliver's injury damage his vocal chords? Why, domino effect of course!!!) (1378 words!!!!)

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