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ok, remember my warning from earlier, yeah this is when you take that into consideration..... I'm sorry guys, I need drama.


Oliver gets up from his bed. He feels off, like something isn't right. his vision is blurry, he can barely see himself in the mirror. All of a sudden he gets extremely light headed, his legs can support his weight anymore and he collapses onto the hard tile flooring of the dorms bathroom. He is still conscious, he squints his eyes open and looks around before he starts to feel his head throbbing so hard, it shakes his brain. He puts his hand on the part of his head that hit the floor which seemed to be, wet? he pulls his hand down in front of his eyes and once they adjust, he sees blood, lots of it, everywhere he looked he'd see his own blood, why was this? After his collision with the ground he felt numb, that's why he didn't know he was impaled with a pair of scissors from when he attempted to cut his hair. They were sharp, and they luckily hit him right under the rips so he could still breathe in to make a quick but loud call for help. "HEEEELLLLLPPPPPP!!!! AHHHHHHHHH" he screamed while pulling the scissors out of his body, which was an even bigger mistake. He blead out three times faster than before, screaming in agony until he couldn't scream anymore. He could finally feel the pain in the wound, which made him struggle even more to stay conscious. He waited until he could hear a knock at his door, then he slowly rose up and grabbed the door frame, opening the door to find Zip and Edward, who looked at him like he wasn't "human"(paper but whatever) Oliver stood there leaning on the door frame with one hand and covering his wound that was gushing blood with the other, grinning like he was high. Oliver then closed his eyes and started falling toward the couple, Zip caught him just in time, picking him up and putting him on his bed. "Quick! put pressure on the wound Ed!" Zip said while running to look for a first aid kit, and that's when she saw it, all the blood, the scissors. She froze. Unable to do anything for a good ten seconds. Then she ran out into the halls and started calling for help. Within a minute Zip had the school nurse and three other paramedics that were called in the room patching up the wound as best they could and putting Oliver on a stretcher. Zip was standing with Edward watching the doctors roll their best friend into an ambulance, they were about to leave when, "WAIT!!!!" Zip shouted pulling out of Edwards grip and running in front of the ambulance before it could take off. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING KID? DO YOU WANT HIM TO LIVE OR NOT?!" one of the paramedics screamed at her. "I want to go with him!" She responded teary eyed. "OK THEN, DONT WAIST TIME GET IN HERE WE HAVE TO HURRY!!!"  said the one that was driving. Zip then ran over and grabbed Edwards arm hand and ran with him into the back with Oliver and a kind looking paramedic. As soon as Zip and Edward had their seatbelts on the ambulance took off. Zip started to cry the longer she looked at Oliver's unconscious body. Edward took Zip in his arms and started tearing up as well. "its my fault" Zip whispered, so quiet her words only traveled an inch in the air. "What?" Edward asked. "Its my fault" she said louder. "no, no its not Zip. Oliver's going to be ok, its not your fault". "I know how he got injured..." she said. "really? how?" Edward said. "I-I told him he should cut his hair because he kept getting mistaken as a girl and it was pissing him off..." She struggled to get the words out, choking on every breath. "In the bathroom......there was a bloody pair of scissors on the ground and a huge puddle of blood. It was all over the shower curtain, to the door handle, the sink had bloody water in it and I could see it got darker the closer it was to the door. I froze for a while, I might have killed him because help might have taken too long..." Zip says, then starts hyperventilating thinking of everything that could've gone wrong because of her. Edward grabs Zip and lets her lay on his chest, her arms around his neck while she starts to cry again. He then starts to stroke her head and run his fingers through her hair, calming her as best he can. A few minutes later, Zip had fallen asleep, laying against Edwards chest. 

================================================================================Inside the hospital, Edward carried Zip bridal style and followed the paramedics until they told him that he could not go any further. He then sat down and set Zip on his lap, letting her lay back down on his chest. He chuckled while watching her dream, then he thought  for a moment. What if she was the one that got hurt like this? What if she got hurt and didn't survive? What if he had to give her something of his to survive, but he ended up dying? He found himself thinking of every single scenario. Except. The one with Oliver. He shed a tear....knowing that it was impossible for Zip to get hurt like that but also because he knew, with all the blood Zip had mentioned, Oliver probably wouldn't survive. When Zip woke up she comforted him, and the doctor came in telling them that Oliver needed a lung donor. Because his lung, wasn't going to hold on much longer.....

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------OMG!!!! SO SAD RIGHT?! We already had Zip on the verge of death and it got her into a relationship, but what is this going to bring Oliver? this took me soo long to write and I'm sorry, I missed my daily update yesterday. To apologize for missing it, I will attempt to write a 2000 word long essay on FPE lore in my new story full of peoples head-canons... hopefully that's enough for you guys to forgive me! remember, suicide isn't always the answer!(don't question that) now as always, have a spectacular day/evening/night!! (1061 words)

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