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Natalia woke up to find herself being quite squashed by a firm chest and muscular arms.

Her face was buried in the crook of James' neck as he continued to sleep.

What happened after she fainted?

The former spy looked around. They were back in the avengers compound, in the room they shared. She didn't expect to be able to live in the compound so soon, but Steve said she was one of them now, and so was James.

She and James got one of the biggest rooms since they were staying together, much to Clint's annoyance.

She turned back to James, lifting her hand to caress his face gently, pulling back as his eyelids fluttered open.

"Hey," he mumbled sleepily. "You're awake. How're you feeling?"

"My shoulder's still a little sore, but I can handle it," she said.

He pulled her closer, pressing a soft kiss to the top of her head. She nuzzled her face against his shoulder, moving her arms to wrap around him.

"We need to go down for breakfast, it's probably already eight," she said.

"No rush milii moi, we still have time," he grumbled, pulling her impossibly closer to him.

"Mr Stark everyone comes down for breakfast," F.R.I.D.A.Y. announced, causing James to jump.

"Alright, we'll be down in a moment," Natalia said, trying to hold in her laughter. James still wasn't used to modern technology. He was simply not that receptive to it.

"Mr Stark said, and I quote 'tell the Soviet Union to get their asses down now, and if I see any bruises on your necks, no breakfast for them'," the AI responded.

"Tell him to fuck off," Natalia shot back.

"Natalia, language," James warned. "But...what she said."


"Look who's finally here! Glad to see our two favourite Russians," Tony snorted.

"I'm American," James stressed as he and Natalia took their seats on the couch.

"You want anything?" he asked Natalia.

"I can get it myself."

"You shouldn't move around, you're still recovering."

"Fine. Sandwich, the peanut butter and jelly kind."

The soldier nodded and strode to the kitchen island, coming back shortly after with her sandwich and a coffee for himself.

He wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her close such that her head rested on his shoulder.

"Hey, take some juice," Tony said, throwing a packet of apple juice at Natalia.

James caught it with his metal arm, the packet nearly hitting his girlfriend's face.

He glared at Tony, scowling as he stood. He placed the packet in Natalia's hands as he stalled over to the philanthropist, fists curling in anger.

"Woah woah, it was just a joke. I was just passing her some juice man."

Steve grabbed his friend's shoulder. "Buck, it's okay. It's just apple juice."

James shoved him off and grabbed Tony by the collar of his shirt, lifting him up. "Try that again and you and I are going to have a problem, понял?" (Understood?) His nails dug into Tony's skin, making him wince.

"Buck, that's enough," Steve tried, placing his hand on James' shoulder.

The Winter Soldier let go of Tony, glaring at him one more time before returning to his girlfriend.

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