10. rose

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"IS THERE A CURE?" Valentina asked. "Please tell me that there is a cure?" she asked, almost pleading. When Valentina had gotten back from Elena's, she heard the news that a werewolf had attacked Damon and Rose. Rose had tried to protect Damon and had gotten bitten. The two of them thought she was going to be fine when the bite healed but a couple of hours later it returned. 

The silence told Valentina enough. "Only one I know of. Klaus' blood," Kol replied and she knew that Rose was doomed. There was no way they were able to get the cure in such short notice. 

"How long does she have?" she whispered, trying not to cry.

Kol answered hesitantly. "Could take days," a pause. "Or hours until the bite will cause her to hallucinate and go rabid."

Then the tears just started streaming down. Valentina sat on the edge of her bed, her eyes red and puffy as she clutched a pillow to her chest, her thoughts a whirlwind of grief and helplessness. 

Kol's stood next to her, his expression one of rare solemnity. He looked like he wanted to comfort her but wasn't able to. "I'm sorry, Valentina," he said softly, his voice tinged with genuine sadness.

Valentina wiped her tears with the back of her hand, her voice trembling. "It's not fair."

Suddenly, there was a knock on her door. Before she could respond, the door opened, and Stefan stepped inside. Elijah had made his end of the deal and released Stefan from the tomb, still leaving Katherine in there. His face was etched with concern as he took in her tear-streaked face and trembling form.

Valentina couldn't hold back the sob that escaped her lips. Stefan reached out, pulling her into a comforting embrace. She buried her face in his shoulder, letting the tears flow freely. His arms wrapped around her securely, offering a much-needed sense of stability in the midst of her turmoil.

"It's going to be okay," Stefan murmured, his hand gently stroking her back.

Kol watched the scene unfold, his usual mischievous demeanor replaced by a quiet sadness. He wished he could do more than just offer words. He wished he could physically comfort Valentina, but he was a ghost, bound by the limitations of his incorporeal form.

"Are you good being with Rose over here?" Stefan asked. "Damon says that the bite is getting worse."

"Where are you going?" she asked and wiped her tears.

"I'm planning on finding Isobel, maybe she has some more information about the sacrifice," he explained. There was a bitter feeling, knowing that if either one of the Salvatore were bitten, they would go to hell and back for each other. But now that it was Rose, they were just going to go on with their days.

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