11. slumber party and tea

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slumber party and tea

slumber party and tea

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GETTING A CALL FROM THE SCHOOL THAT SHE had been accepted as the new Art teacher for Mystic Falls High School didn't feel right anymore. She had gone to the interview that Alaric had set up for her and it went well and they offered her the place. She was going to be an art teacher and she was excited but it still felt wrong being happy for herself after what happened to Rose.

It also made her realize something. For the first time since her wings had been severed and she had been cast out of the celestial realm, Valentina was forced to confront the harsh reality of her new existence as a mortal. Instead, she was just like any other human, vulnerable and fragile, subject to the whims of fate and the passage of time.

And their problems didn't seem to go away. They had a werewolf problem. The wolves had taken Caroline and Stefan told Valentina to stay put, telling her that he was going to deal with it.

Valentina paced anxiously in the living room, her phone clutched tightly in her hand. The news of Caroline's kidnapping by werewolves had sent a wave of panic through her. She hated that she couldn't do anything, she felt helpless like she had felt when Rose had been bitten.

"Just relax," Kol commented and Valentina turned to glare at him. 

"Really?" she asked back.

Kol shrugged. "I mean didn't my brother promise to protect Elena's family and friends? Doesn't that incl-"

"Oh my god," she grinned. "You're right." She took a deep breath and took out her phone.

"What can I say? I'm a genius but I'm not understanding what I said to get that reaction from you."

She didn't answer as she started dialing his number on her phone. He answered on the first ring. "Elijah? Hi, it's Valentina."

"Valentina, it's good to hear from you," his tone was light but he seemed happy that she was calling him.

"Um, it's about Caroline Forbes," she started. "She's one of the closest friends of Elena 

"It's Caroline," Valentina said, her voice trembling slightly. "She's been taken by werewolves. We need your help. I... I don't know what to do."

Elijah said without hesitation. "Stay inside and stay safe. I'll handle this."

"Thank you, Elijah," she whispered.

Valentina waited nervously, pacing back and forth in her room. She couldn't sit still, her thoughts consumed with worry for Caroline. She glanced at her phone for what felt like the hundredth time, willing it to ring with good news.

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