23 - Management Meeting

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A month later Chris had gone back to Boston for a small visit and for Scott's birthday. I was supposed to go with him, and we were going to announce to his family and mine that we were together. We kept it to ourselves for a month but since we had been spotted out a couple of times in LA and they were asking we figured it was time to just tell everyone.

Only right now Chris was in Boston, and I was in LA. As we were planning to leave a few days ago I was called to a meeting with the record label executives. I asked if I could attend over a video call and was informed no, that I needed to be there. I was worried but I figured I would go in with my head high and take whatever this was about.

I walked into the building with my manager, Colin and Hollie. We were in the elevator, and I was fidgeting.

"Do you know what this is about?" I asked and Colin shook his head.

"No, so if this goes sideways for any reason just let me do the talking." Colin said and I nodded. The elevators doors opens, and we were met by a secretary who asked us to follow her. We walked to a boardroom that had a wall of glass windows and even the wall was glass windows.

"Frankie, thank you for coming in." Tom, the one executive said as I sat down.

"No problem, I'm just wondering what this is about." I chuckled a small laugh. Tom looked at William and Anthony on either side of him and they sighed.

"We are wanting to talk about this..." Anthony said playing a video on his phone. It was the song Chris recorded me singing and Hollie put on my social media.

"Oh...that..." I said and I felt Colin's eyes on me.

"Yeah this...what made you think to do this?!" Anthony snapped.

"If I may..." Colin said and was shot a pointed look by all 3 men.

"We were wanting to hear from Frankie." William said and then turned back to look at me. "Frankie, explain."

"Well see, I was very passionate about this song being recorded and, on the album, but others, including you and management thought it wasn't a good move. I was with a friend who recorded it without me knowing until he sent it to be posted." I explained. I called Chris my friend because I wasn't going to out my relationship here, or now.

"Well now we have a problem Frankie because fans are wanting this song on the album since it was mentioned it wouldn't be. We don't want to upset fans..." Anthony said.

"So, I have the music why not just let me go to the recording studio, record it and make it a bonus track on the album. I can even record a few more songs I have in mind and the music too and we just add some bonus tracks." I suggested and they all looked at each other.

"How soon can you have these done?" William asked and I sighed.

I knew I was catching a flight once I left here but I had to make them happy, "I could go now."  I suggested.

"Okay well we want approval on all the bonus tracks..." Tom said, and I groaned.

"Now I asked for your approval for the song you guys are now having me add because of the fans. Can't you just trust me?" I snapped. I felt Colin slightly elbow me.

They all whispered for a minute.

"Fine." Tom said. "We will allow you to make a judgement call but don't let us down."

"So, when are we looking for a launch?" Colin asked and I knew it needed to be asked.

"Launch party would be start of November, then get the album out mid-November which is perfect for holidays and gifts." William said.

"Makes sense." I half nodded.

"Now head to the recording studio and get those songs recorded." Tom said and I nodded.

We quickly left and I talked to Hollie about fixing my traveling arrangements I was supposed to have.

"Don't you want to call them and let them know?" Hollie asked as we drove to the recording studio. I grabbed my phone from her.

Frankie: Hey, I will be in Boston, but it might be later than expected. Everything is fine, I just have to go to the recording studio.

He answered quickly,

Chris: Why?

Frankie: Well since someone put a song of me singing on my social media, the song is getting added as a bonus track to the album, but they want a few songs. I actually needed to talk to you about the song I played a little bit for you on the piano the other night.

Chris: The one about me again?

Frankie: It's actually about us, but yes and I finished it. Can I make it a bonus track?

Chris: You do what you need to do but I want to hear it.

Frankie: You can when I get to Boston.

Chris: Sounds good, just get here. I miss you already.

I smiled and put my phone away. I missed him like crazy and in someways hated myself for it. We were back together only a month and I found myself becoming dependent on him being there for me. I needed to not get in too deep, this couldn't be happening.


We didn't leave the recording studio until the early hours of the morning, and I was exhausted. I sent the songs to the mixer so he could edit them and then send them off to be added as bonus tracks. We had 5 in total, and I was proud of them, one in particular. I knew I had to get to Boston, and I knew it was a cross-country flight, but I needed sleep, I needed to relax for a little bit.

As I left the recording studio Hollie pulled up looking fresh faced, well rested and chipper.

"Come on grumpy, in the car, we have a plane to catch to Boston." Hollie said handing me a huge cup of coffee.

"I look like shit Hollie, I want to shower and change." I said.

"You can do that on the jet, now come on." Hollie said and I figured then that someone pulled strings and got me the record labels private jet to get me back home to Boston.

"Shit! I forgot to get Scott a gift. I need to stop at the store on the way to the airport because I know exactly what I'm getting him." I smiled at Hollie, and she smiled back but nodded and let the driver know where to go once I told her.

Only a few more hours and I would be home in Sudbury, Massachusetts with my family and the Evans family and most importantly Chris.

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